Tues 9th August 2022, Election Day
https://www.nation.co.ke/business/jobs-at-risk-as-James-Finlay-closes-Kericho-flower-farms/996-4532320-ftdwwcz/index.htmlJames Finlay are serious tea exporters and now they're closing Kericho factories. Kericho county will lose big given proposals to retain part of local revenue. The story does not indicate where James Finlay are going but I suspect Limuru which can allow them to tap the idle Nairobi workforce. Kenya unemployment rate is about 40% and that's conservative. Cheap labour is no longer viable. Its nauseating to hear an MP claiming the government should find ways of making people poorer by making them provide cheap labour for bandit companies. Kericho for a long time depended on cheap labour from our poor shemejis in Luoland. With constant threats from warriors they shied away. Arap Bandit will have to see how to grab Kijabe forest now that Kericho is no longer sustainable in the long term.