Simply Asians are better risk takers than africans. Machines are readily available very cheaply but an african is more likely to invest in real estate, farm or hotel than invest 5m on a machinery. Companies like bidco,chandaria started very small as actually dukawallas then they invested in manufacturing. Investing in manufacturing to create a brand is a little more complicated than real estate. Basically any idiot with money can invest in real estate which is what most africans invest in cause its easier and supposedly "risk free" but manufacturing, technology etc are riskier but with better returns. And also one of the more differentiating aspect between asians and africans is focus. An asian manufacturer will do one thing really well but an african will be allover the place.
CULTURE in a word. Due diligence, focus, integrity, sobriety, etc.
Note the passing on capital, skill, enterprise generation to generation via inheritance. Most of the big companies are run by 3rd generation scions. Mhindi runs family business and is no lone ranger. They have caste, etc but at the family unit things business are really tight, neat and organized.
This is very true. Once I met an asian in London whose business specialised in transferring family businesses from one generation to the next.
Also the culture of planed machine maintenance, precision manufacturing and quality control come into it.
The maize fiasco at NCPB depots in north rift exposed us... at what point should we have realised that there was too much maize? Surely not at the factory gate..heck not even at the farm gate.
As a maize farmer in the region, we produce roughly the same amount every year, there was nothing extra ordinary last year. I think it was a case of not enough money as opposed to too much maize.
These thieving bastards will finish our beloved nation.