Ruto only cares about politics. When it was politically convenient, he demonized Raila in the Mau forest Saga. Now that the chicken are coming home to roost he wants to be an environmentalist. He is a fraud. The only thing Ruto has perfected in his life, is stealing. Other than that there is nothing he has done to help this country. He supported dictator Moi. He opposed the 2nd liberation. He opposed the New Katiba, he opposed the preservation of Mau forest, he is opposed to electoral reforms, and the list goes on and on.
There is need for tree planting it happened during moi time. They can start with roads, railways, all reserve land and public institutions...schools. That will go a long way in getting us past 10%. Gov owns huge tract of land and if they planted trees; it will be fine.
For forests - fence them off is a first start - if not tea zones around it -
During Nyayo days - I think the chief would enforce some policy about at least 2 trees per acre. It was illegal to clear trees - and the chief and village "headman" would enforce this strictly.
Stealing. That is what I think Kenyans of many stripes have a robust tolerance for. I have seen people suggest that if Raila does not win with a landslide, there is no problem with the jubilated(or whichever gangster happens to be in power) topping up their vote to overturn the outcome.
I don't think there is any hope in the foreseeable future that an environment can be permitted in which a
competitive and fair Presidential election is held. In these circumstances the victor is Ruto. The jubilant can thus be praised as a political genius, especially if you subscribe to the
criminality doesn't matter school. If you don't subscribe to that, then the logical thing is to view him as a thug(which is also my view).
Raila's real naivety is his belief that there is a legitimate way of choosing a Kenyan President in a competitive environment. I think it is possible to have a legitimate Presidential election, but only if it's not competitive. With opposition tickets dominated by Ekuru Aukot and Dida types.
That said, you never know with Raila.