Author Topic: Jimmy Wanjigi, give the man credit  (Read 3684 times)

Offline patel

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Jimmy Wanjigi, give the man credit
« on: February 21, 2018, 10:40:46 AM »
He has spent millions for the third liberation.  He is giving up billions of shillings in order to stand for what his conscience tell him is right. No matter what you of his past, you have to admire his courage. 

Offline Kadudu

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Re: Jimmy Wanjigi, give the man credit
« Reply #1 on: February 21, 2018, 11:06:16 AM »
That man is an tenderpreuneur per excellence. He is revenging on Jubilee for stealing his deals.

Offline RV Pundit

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Re: Jimmy Wanjigi, give the man credit
« Reply #2 on: February 21, 2018, 11:58:29 AM »
He's going to end bankrupt - and with lots of court cases - Uhuru can be vindictive.
That man is an tenderpreuneur per excellence. He is revenging on Jubilee for stealing his deals.

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Re: Jimmy Wanjigi, give the man credit
« Reply #3 on: February 21, 2018, 12:16:30 PM »
Such a naive fool just like Juma or Jirongo. His speech are something anyway. His usual line - If I AM going through this I can't believe what OTHER ORDINARY KENYANS go through daily - is indicative of the divide between Mwafrika elitist thugs and the children of the lesser gods. Same thing was evident with Miguna who naively thought that our cells are like Toronto or Geneva cells!!
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Offline Kadudu

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Re: Jimmy Wanjigi, give the man credit
« Reply #4 on: February 21, 2018, 12:22:15 PM »
Remember he like Uhuru are nyoba and that is what matters in the end. Had Uhuru wanted the man would be six feet under long time ago, but it seems that is one step Uhuru will not dare take. As for bankruptcy I think this man is not Jirongo.  Such a person has spread his loot and even if he is to leave Kenya he has the means to leave a decent life in exile.

He's going to end bankrupt - and with lots of court cases - Uhuru can be vindictive.

Offline RV Pundit

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Re: Jimmy Wanjigi, give the man credit
« Reply #5 on: February 21, 2018, 01:16:27 PM »
You're a fool if you imagine Uhuru cares about Nyoba. He probably care about the fact that Wanjigi is fellow elite - st mary and son of Wanjigi. But he is fighting PORK and you fighting PORK - you better be ready for the mean machine.
Remember he like Uhuru are nyoba and that is what matters in the end. Had Uhuru wanted the man would be six feet under long time ago, but it seems that is one step Uhuru will not dare take. As for bankruptcy I think this man is not Jirongo.  Such a person has spread his loot and even if he is to leave Kenya he has the means to leave a decent life in exile.

Offline Kadudu

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Re: Jimmy Wanjigi, give the man credit
« Reply #6 on: February 21, 2018, 02:12:46 PM »
You are the fool if you think Uhuru does not care about nyoba. That is what made him PORK and not his talent as a politician. The elitism binds the two to the hip and mind you their dads worked together.  Jimmy is going nowhere and will survive the next 41/2 years of Uhuru.

You're a fool if you imagine Uhuru cares about Nyoba. He probably care about the fact that Wanjigi is fellow elite - st mary and son of Wanjigi. But he is fighting PORK and you fighting PORK - you better be ready for the mean machine.

Offline Nefertiti

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Re: Jimmy Wanjigi, give the man credit
« Reply #7 on: February 21, 2018, 03:32:28 PM »
How are our cells?

Such a naive fool just like Juma or Jirongo. His speech are something anyway. His usual line - If I AM going through this I can't believe what OTHER ORDINARY KENYANS go through daily - is indicative of the divide between Mwafrika elitist thugs and the children of the lesser gods. Same thing was evident with Miguna who naively thought that our cells are like Toronto or Geneva cells!!
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Offline RV Pundit

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Re: Jimmy Wanjigi, give the man credit
« Reply #8 on: February 21, 2018, 04:39:12 PM »
Okay maybe they belong to some secretive sect but if all you have is that - then you should ask Macharia of Citizen what Uhuru did to him. Wanjigi has declared war on PORK - and has been funding Raila - and after Uhuru declared war on him long time ago - I think his business deals with GOK basically dried up - after eating his SGR - they even went ahead and cancelled JKIA project after Wanjigi chinese had done some work - and basically he's been persona-non-grata in gok tendering circles. Now he has taken the war to political level - and so far he's had his house raided - his been stalked by police - passport denied - and I don't know what else his coming his way - KRA been on him like rice on white - I mean the guy is trying to look for political leverage against Uhuru - but that just stupid - if Uhuru want to cut a deal - he will cut with Raila - Not Wanjigi.

Wanjigi should have remained as shadowy as he was before - Kulei type - but I guess he aint that smart after all. He is wheeler dealer trying to play politics from the backdoor - it laughable.

You see if he was smart - he would have let UhuRuto eat SGR - and wait for some other deals. This GoK cake is big. But trying fighting the GOK and you'll discover it's even bigger.

You are the fool if you think Uhuru does not care about nyoba. That is what made him PORK and not his talent as a politician. The elitism binds the two to the hip and mind you their dads worked together.  Jimmy is going nowhere and will survive the next 41/2 years of Uhuru.

Offline Kichwa

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Re: Jimmy Wanjigi, give the man credit
« Reply #9 on: February 21, 2018, 04:52:46 PM »
Some of you people think Ouru is some kind of immortal dude.  Ouru too will fade away and life will continue without him. Do not fear any mortal man on this earth ma brada's and sisters.  Ouru's legacy is already kaput. He will go down as the worst president Kenya ever had.  Moreover he is barely clinging to power and  can only do so barely  up to 2022,  but even that is not even guaranteed. Yes, Ouru can be vindictive but so can be life.  Ouru will get his very soon and people like Wanjigi will survive him and emerge bigger and stronger. I am glad he is doing something positive with his money.

Okay maybe they belong to some secretive sect but if all you have is that - then you should ask Macharia of Citizen what Uhuru did to him. Wanjigi has declared war on PORK - and has been funding Raila - and after Uhuru declared war on him long time ago - I think his business deals with GOK basically dried up - after eating his SGR - they even went ahead and cancelled JKIA project after Wanjigi chinese had done some work - and basically he's been persona-non-grata in gok tendering circles. Now he has taken the war to political level - and so far he's had his house raided - his been stalked by police - passport denied - and I don't know what else his coming his way - KRA been on him like rice on white - I mean the guy is trying to look for political leverage against Uhuru - but that just stupid - if Uhuru want to cut a deal - he will cut with Raila - Not Wanjigi.

Wanjigi should have remained as shadowy as he was before - Kulei type - but I guess he aint that smart after all. He is wheeler dealer trying to play politics from the backdoor - it laughable.

You see if he was smart - he would have let UhuRuto eat SGR - and wait for some other deals. This GoK cake is big. But trying fighting the GOK and you'll discover it's even bigger.

You are the fool if you think Uhuru does not care about nyoba. That is what made him PORK and not his talent as a politician. The elitism binds the two to the hip and mind you their dads worked together.  Jimmy is going nowhere and will survive the next 41/2 years of Uhuru.
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Offline Kadudu

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Re: Jimmy Wanjigi, give the man credit
« Reply #10 on: February 21, 2018, 04:53:10 PM »
There you are right. I wonder why he got so pissed off when they took this baby from him? He should have kept a cool head as Uhuruor even Ruto at some time need a smart fellow to source funds for them like Jimmy. Uhuru or Ruto would have sought his help after some time. Burning those bridges was not very clever of him.

Okay maybe they belong to some secretive sect but if all you have is that - then you should ask Macharia of Citizen what Uhuru did to him. Wanjigi has declared war on PORK - and has been funding Raila - and after Uhuru declared war on him long time ago - I think his business deals with GOK basically dried up - after eating his SGR - they even went ahead and cancelled JKIA project after Wanjigi chinese had done some work - and basically he's been persona-non-grata in gok tendering circles. Now he has taken the war to political level - and so far he's had his house raided - his been stalked by police - passport denied - and I don't know what else his coming his way - KRA been on him like rice on white - I mean the guy is trying to look for political leverage against Uhuru - but that just stupid - if Uhuru want to cut a deal - he will cut with Raila - Not Wanjigi.

Wanjigi should have remained as shadowy as he was before - Kulei type - but I guess he aint that smart after all. He is wheeler dealer trying to play politics from the backdoor - it laughable.

You see if he was smart - he would have let UhuRuto eat SGR - and wait for some other deals. This GoK cake is big. But trying fighting the GOK and you'll discover it's even bigger.

Offline RV Pundit

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Re: Jimmy Wanjigi, give the man credit
« Reply #11 on: February 21, 2018, 05:01:05 PM »
There goes Kichwa with his wishful thinking. Uhuru will go down as guy who delivered SGR - and of course he ate his 10% or whatever - like it happens worldwide.
Some of you people think Ouru is some kind of immortal dude.  Ouru too will fade away and life will continue without him. Do not fear any mortal man on this earth ma brada's and sisters.  Ouru's legacy is already kaput. He will go down as the worst president Kenya ever had.  Moreover he is barely clinging to power and  can only do so barely  up to 2022,  but even that is not even guaranteed. Yes, Ouru can be vindictive but so can be life.  Ouru will get his very soon and people like Wanjigi will survive him and emerge bigger and stronger. I am glad he is doing something positive with his money.

Offline RV Pundit

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Re: Jimmy Wanjigi, give the man credit
« Reply #12 on: February 21, 2018, 05:04:08 PM »
10% of SGR sio kitu kidogo. I think it got Uhuru interested in the deal - I doubt Ruto got something - his man DL was amongst the losers - Uhuru basically snatched the deal from all vultures mouth and kept it to himself. But Wanjigi kept throwing tantrums and Uhuru went ahead & gave him red card - then when he couldn't stop & joined Raila-  Uhuru went further & cancelled his & Raila greenfield kshs 56Billion project in JKIA despite work having started - leaving their Chinese high and dry. No chinese can touch Wanjigi with 10 feet pole after that - Uhuru clearly demonstrated the guy was unwanted in any public project . That makes the guy mad. His tenderpreneurship career is basically over..and he doesn't know how to proceed from there...coz that has been his life.
There you are right. I wonder why he got so pissed off when they took this baby from him? He should have kept a cool head as Uhuruor even Ruto at some time need a smart fellow to source funds for them like Jimmy. Uhuru or Ruto would have sought his help after some time. Burning those bridges was not very clever of him.

Offline Kichwa

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Re: Jimmy Wanjigi, give the man credit
« Reply #13 on: February 21, 2018, 05:14:21 PM »
You are the wishful thinker. In human history no president is remembered for economic development when juxtaposed with issues of social justice. Even SGR will just remind people of the huge dept he accumulated which translated to Kenya's economic woes.  He is long gone and cannot be rehabilitated.  Kenyans People will remember Ouru for taking away freedoms, taking away passports, deporting Kenyan citizens, being the most tribal president and the most divisive. Although Moi made Kenya a dujure one party state, He gets credit of the fact that  section 2A was repealed on his watch and that he peacefully left office.  Ouru may not be that lucky if he continues being a hard ass.

There goes Kichwa with his wishful thinking. Uhuru will go down as guy who delivered SGR - and of course he ate his 10% or whatever - like it happens worldwide.
Some of you people think Ouru is some kind of immortal dude.  Ouru too will fade away and life will continue without him. Do not fear any mortal man on this earth ma brada's and sisters.  Ouru's legacy is already kaput. He will go down as the worst president Kenya ever had.  Moreover he is barely clinging to power and  can only do so barely  up to 2022,  but even that is not even guaranteed. Yes, Ouru can be vindictive but so can be life.  Ouru will get his very soon and people like Wanjigi will survive him and emerge bigger and stronger. I am glad he is doing something positive with his money.
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Offline RV Pundit

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Re: Jimmy Wanjigi, give the man credit
« Reply #14 on: February 21, 2018, 05:16:33 PM »
Don't be in a hurry to write Uhuru legacy. He is not planning to retire soon.The guy is not even 60yrs old and this is Africa. Where does such young man goes from here?. I am sure in the fullness of time...Uhuru will get his chapter in history. Not that he cares...but the sheer wealth that his father grabbed added to his own grabbed wealth...mean Uhuru will be funding historians :D to write his own legacy for a century. There will also be Uhuru foundation somewhere funding the Kichwa Mbayas of the 2100 to write long length inshas on how great Jomo and his son were..we will have roads, monuments, schools & such erected in his name...and that is how this works.
You are the wishful thinker. In human history no president is remembered for economic development when juxtaposed with issues of social justice. Even SGR will just remind people of the huge dept he accumulated which translated to Kenya's economic woes.  He is long gone and cannot be rehabilitated.  Kenyans People will remember Ouru for taking away freedoms, taking away passports, deporting Kenyan citizens, being the most tribal president and the most divisive. Although Moi made Kenya a dujure one party state, He gets credit of the fact that  section 2A was repealed on his watch and that he peacefully left office.  Ouru may not be that lucky if he continues being a hard ass.

Offline Kichwa

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Re: Jimmy Wanjigi, give the man credit
« Reply #15 on: February 21, 2018, 05:30:46 PM »
Ouru is too lazy and too intellectually inept to do anything after he retires. Its hard to teach an old dog new tricks. He will disappear into the oblivion, drinking and hanging out with drunkards like him.  He is the worst thing that ever happened to Kenya. His father, Moi and Kibaki were far from perfect but he is going down as the worst. I am sure even Ruto and the MKM are embarrassed by him. He was too timid to do anything on his own except when it comes to being vindictive and trying to imitate his father and falling short all the time. His father was a naturally mean dude but Ouru is trying to be what he is not and looking ridiculous by the day.

Don't be in a hurry to write Uhuru legacy. He is not planning to retire soon.The guy is not even 60yrs old and this is Africa. Where does such young man goes from here?. I am sure in the fullness of time...Uhuru will get his chapter in history. Not that he cares...but the sheer wealth that his father grabbed added to his own grabbed wealth...mean Uhuru will be funding historians :D to write his own legacy for a century. There will also be Uhuru foundation somewhere funding the Kichwa Mbayas of the 2100 to write long length inshas on how great Jomo and his son were..we will have roads, monuments, schools & such erected in his name...and that is how this works.
You are the wishful thinker. In human history no president is remembered for economic development when juxtaposed with issues of social justice. Even SGR will just remind people of the huge dept he accumulated which translated to Kenya's economic woes.  He is long gone and cannot be rehabilitated.  Kenyans People will remember Ouru for taking away freedoms, taking away passports, deporting Kenyan citizens, being the most tribal president and the most divisive. Although Moi made Kenya a dujure one party state, He gets credit of the fact that  section 2A was repealed on his watch and that he peacefully left office.  Ouru may not be that lucky if he continues being a hard ass.
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Offline patel

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Re: Jimmy Wanjigi, give the man credit
« Reply #16 on: February 21, 2018, 10:19:04 PM »
I wonder what yahoos would have said about biblical Moses giving up the throne to free his people from Egypt.  This concept that if you are a thief in Kenya you should not have any conscience and you should remain quite as long as you are eating is plain stupid.
The world keeps getting smaller as long as you have brains you can make money anywhere.  Jimmy wanjigi is too smart too sophisticated to be compared with a drunkard like uhuru.