I don't think it's so much an innocent explanation as a differing viewpoint. Mostly they can't see your pain wrapped in shiny vitriol. Around other circles you will hear how the opposition is dominated by one group - is therefore polarized in antagonist tone and agenda. Like CNN's Oscar award in fake news, this group deserves an Oscar in whining.
Ever wonder why one group is more antagonistic, angrier and ever intransigent over just about everything? They attempt to rub their anger onto their political partners only for faultlines to emerge. The man who helped them get closest to power in Kenyan history is now enemy numero uno. Baptized in a variety of demeaning epiphets. Once a supporter one must stick with them or else. Some think this dogma or jingo has an innocent explanation, but I believe people cannot be required to feel or be a certain ideal.
Your questions and these - opposing views - is why we have politics and parties and left and right and whatnot. Men differ; That's why there are conflicts in the world - we are lucky Kenya's is just political. Not armed or the terror kind. Democracy is about tolerance as much as the vote. But universal suffrage has very negative traits. The democratic journey is thorny. Personally I don't find democracy is a panacea for anything. In a heterogenous, divided hateful place like Kenya we should have federalism or a rotational presidency like Malaysia. I digress.
Your writer's bigotry unveils itself when he points out the mystery "group" is 99% from one tribe. Statistically speaking, since the other Kenyans are absolutely sympathetic to his cause, he has 80% Kenyan diaspora support and should not be so bothered by the minority. Let him convene the weeping club already.