Author Topic: NASA - from frying pan into fire - Uhuru handed hammer to finish NASA.  (Read 1213 times)

Offline RV Pundit

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I mean "normally" what Uhuru is doing to NASA would be rank up there with North Korea or Ethiopia - and would call for global condemnation - but after Raila ignored warning from his buddies in the West (read EU/US) & transformed into Africa's most laughable resistance movement - Uhuru has the okay to crackdown on NASA.
--media crackdown
--security withdraw
--passport withdraw
--financial choke-hold.

I mean everything is now on the table after NASA transformed into proscribed movement NRM.

I mean things were already bad for NASA - they lost the presidency in a rout - they lost parliament & senate in such devastating defeat Duale basically ran the show - now they are not any better than Mungiki  :D :D

And worse they think by continually weakening their position...they are improving their leverage...and eventually will force Uhuru to the dialogue :) :)

There has never been another set of fools as worse as the current bunch whose chief strategist & owner is one MAINA WANJIGI :D :D