No jobs. That is the crux of the problem. Lots of bodies consuming dwindling resources and generating little more than biological waste.
Yep. But, oddly enough, that is what will ultimately "save" the country: a sufficiently large number of hungry, unemployed youth waking up to the con, demanding a fair share .... with a promise and "pro-active" efforts to f**k up the place if nothing really changes. That will take some time, though.
With the level of bitterness I see, it may not be as long as we think. I just don't know any more. Hoping for the best.
@MoonKi, I've been reading, looking for historical examples of reform/reorganization away from vested interests to more common-good kinda systems that happened without this kind of thing you you know of any? I'm serious about this. The American and French revolutions and the American civil war, they seem to be the norm. Vested interests simply don't willingly give an inch until a monster rises and f***s everything up. The more peaceful changes like the British anti-slavery movement or the global anti-colonial movements seem to have happened within certain structures that allowed these painfully slow, augmented kinda reforms.