Beyonce is ma girl, but I wouldn't say I'm a diehard. Knowing what I know about her, I just had a knee-jerk response to the gold-digging accusation I thought was leveled at her. I reacted the same once when someone accused Kate Middleton of gold-digging yet the girl's family is super rich.
Now, you want to see a trueborn gold-digger? Have a chat with Tiger Woods: He'll tell you all about how a nanny made out with a hundred of his millions just because of his philandering ways, as if he was the first athlete to suffer from what looks like a sex addiction. She didn't contribute even 10,000 to that fortune. She didn't even contribute many years of her life to Tiger, they were married just a few years. Then makes out with so many millions of his stash. Now that is a mad culture if you ask me. 10 million tops. That's what she should have gotten. Tiger's late dad had a bigger claim to that money than that heartless woman.