If he's in possession of it why kidnap IEBC folk? I wonder how western envoys and observers are reacting, though, haven't seen any report on them yet. ELOG refused to give their exit polls results quite early this time round.
Sure about ELOG?
I suspect Rao has nothing. He loves creating tension with nothing to back it up with.
That's his Modus Operandi whenever he believes he's cornered.
I understand your opinion of Raila and share some of it. But that should not blind us to some facts. Without going into the reasons, I am convinced the guy likely won on August 8th. Suppose that is proven to you beyond doubt. Do you consider it a problem that an election was rigged against him?
I dislike, nah loath, both Rao and Uhuru as I believe neither of them are worth anything (don't get me started on Ruto).
That being said, I seriously doubt Rao won 8.8. or even came close. Believing the IEBC was so clever, so smart, so ingenious that not only did they (partially) successfully rig the elections, not a single verifiable piece of evidence has been laid on the table proving that rigging (1.4m votes!) took place, where tens of thousands were involved. Shambolic? Yeah, as usual. In my opinion, it's simply a NASA conspiracy theory with zero facts of Rao's win.
If we think just a wee bit more, I simply can't understand how anyone can expect any Kenyan government institution to be run with 100% efficiency, heck, even 70%. When Rao was PM, his very own office was practically in shambles on a daily basis (remember, he started the "step aside" BS) yet here he is, demanding from the IEBC what even he himself couldn't deliver. Perfection.
It's simply illogical to think otherwise, akin to the moon hoax or flat earth believers.
P.S. Rao was definitely rigged out in 2007.