As long as the discontent is limited to few places - like Luo Nyanza - then GOK will function like it has done since 1966. That is why UhuRuto are busy working on bringing everyone on board. The few elements that want to stay militant and obstinate will remain on the periphery of kenya politics. So far if you see the demos - it seem only Kisumu and few such places are buying the bait.
Once again you guys [luo intelligensia] instead of cutting your losses and living to fight another day - you're driving yourself to the periphery - further isolating your people from Kenyan nations. Look Kalenjin lost 1963 elections as KANU won - it's leaders warmed it's way back to power. They would stay in power until 2002. Again less than 10 yrs it's leader worked it;s way back to power and now to the main stage of national politics.
You play smart politics - or you can fight and fight - waiting for perfect democracy - which will not happen.
Jubilee has parliament & senate with near super-majority - it gonna work to own the judiciary - it already own the media - and after that tell me which part of "democracy" you guys will use?
Democracy does not work that way pundit. You cannot rule people by force "peaceful" and still have a robust economy. Democracy can only happen by consent. Nobody is saying that Ouru will not be sworn in by force like Kibaki was but it is not going to be 2013 again. Sometimes in the future Kenya will either have a free and fair elections agreed upon by everyone or we can start talks about secession. That kifua attitude will not work.