That is exactly what I said - all funding including grants/gifts/donations to GOK should be vet by parliament, possibly the auditor general, budget controller, eacc and NIS. We just need more regulation and controls...because it very easy for rich nations or individuals to buy themselves a country through such NGO.
NGO like everyone else need to be regulated. All the way including all these fake churches. Children homes ran by peodhiles. NGOS that are nothing by CIA or foreign forces cover. NGOS now are being used to launder money locally. Both the funding and activities of NGOS need to be monitored and heavily regulated. Fazul need the tools to do this in professional, fair and impartial manner.
Seriously speaking what's wrong with the judiciary seeking and/or accepting funds for its programmes? They are an equal and independent arm of the state, no? PORK can accept - nay borrow - billions from all over. So long as NIS, EACC, etc vet malicious intent or corruption - they can work with anyone they want. Same for Parliament - attending seminars, learning about programs, etc - as part of their work.
Of course if IDLO has nefarious intent it should be shut down and officials prosecuted or deported.
There are key sector of governance where any external funding should be vetted by NSIS and Parliament. NGOs are big sector in kenya and it's about time they were regulated, watched and put on a tight leash. Parliament should immediately grant more powers to NGO Board can improve it's monitoring and regulatory abilities.