Author Topic: Watched Chiloba with Jeff yesterday - Says all FORM 34B were signed  (Read 9003 times)

Offline RV Pundit

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I think someone inserted fakes just before the scrutiny. This calls for an inquiry after election. If the investigators can get the very bottom of this..and they should...then all guilty need to be charged with high treason.

The justices ruling 4-2 to nullify President Uhuru Kenyatta's victory were CJ David Maraga, DCJ Philomena Mwilu, Smokin Wanjala and Isaac Lenaola. They cited major irregularities and illegalities, especially in tallying and transmission.

Chiloba recorded a four-page statement with four special investigators probing problems that led to the nullification.

NASA is demanding Chiloba's removal before the October 26 presidential rerun, saying he and his team were largely responsible for the botched poll. He has refused to leave.

The besieged CEO spent a gruelling six hours with detectives at his Anniversary Towers offices as a multi-agency team stepped up the probe into how the General Election was bungled.

Chiloba told investigators it was possible someone 'doctored' the report the judges used to reach their landmark ruling that sent shock waves throughout the continent and beyond. No African court has ever overturned the reelection of a sitting President.

Offline GeeMail

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Re: Watched Chiloba with Jeff yesterday - Says all FORM 34B were signed
« Reply #1 on: October 05, 2017, 09:34:11 AM »
How many times gave you repeated this statement? Chiloba should have presented the signed 34As at Supreme Court for evidence. Now it is sour grapes too late. In any case forms in IEBC custody can always be signed by NIS to make SCOK look bad. In fact, even ballots can be stuffed to make Uhuru the winner at 54%.
Celebratory violence: 2017 crime invented to justify killings to prevent Raila from becoming PORK.

Offline RV Pundit

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Re: Watched Chiloba with Jeff yesterday - Says all FORM 34B were signed
« Reply #2 on: October 05, 2017, 10:10:46 AM »
Njoki said this. Chiloba is saying the SCOK report was doctored. There is ongoing investigation. Once we get the names - we should know if it was NSIS or NASA or SCOK. Clearly NASA were the beneficiary - so you can bet the fingerprints and the footprints are leading your way.
How many times gave you repeated this statement? Chiloba should have presented the signed 34As at Supreme Court for evidence. Now it is sour grapes too late. In any case forms in IEBC custody can always be signed by NIS to make SCOK look bad. In fact, even ballots can be stuffed to make Uhuru the winner at 54%.

Offline bryan275

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Re: Watched Chiloba with Jeff yesterday - Says all FORM 34B were signed
« Reply #3 on: October 05, 2017, 10:52:08 AM »
Just open the server....

Offline Kadudu

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Re: Watched Chiloba with Jeff yesterday - Says all FORM 34B were signed
« Reply #4 on: October 05, 2017, 11:41:04 AM »
Btw, this was an order and not request from the Supreme Court and not Makadara Magistrate Court. Till today IEBC has not complied to the SCOK order.
Chiloba is taking Kenyans for granted and as a young man he will live to regret his actions and ommisions. The guy will not sleep soundly for the rest of his life as he knows the people after him are his perceived pay masters.

Just open the server....

Offline bryan275

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Re: Watched Chiloba with Jeff yesterday - Says all FORM 34B were signed
« Reply #5 on: October 05, 2017, 11:42:14 AM »
Btw, this was an order and not request from the Supreme Court and not Makadara Magistrate Court. Till today IEBC has not complied to the SCOK order.
Chiloba is taking Kenyans for granted and as a young man he will live to regret his actions and ommisions. The guy will not sleep soundly for the rest of his life as he knows the people after him are his perceived pay masters.

Just open the server....

He's been lied to by the thieving bastards.  "Don't worry, we've got you covered!!"   He's a dead man walking, and he doesn't even know it.

Offline 804063

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Re: Watched Chiloba with Jeff yesterday - Says all FORM 34B were signed
« Reply #6 on: October 05, 2017, 11:49:43 AM »
Better Chiloba is covered by the Government than Maraga and the 3 Wakoras covered by the fake Joshua. :) :) :) :) :) :)

Offline vooke

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Re: Watched Chiloba with Jeff yesterday - Says all FORM 34B were signed
« Reply #7 on: October 05, 2017, 11:50:18 AM »
Btw, this was an order and not request from the Supreme Court and not Makadara Magistrate Court. Till today IEBC has not complied to the SCOK order.
Chiloba is taking Kenyans for granted and as a young man he will live to regret his actions and ommisions. The guy will not sleep soundly for the rest of his life as he knows the people after him are his perceived pay masters.

Just open the server....
The order expired the next day at 1700H
2 Timothy 2:4  No man that warreth entangleth himself with the affairs of this life; that he may please him who hath chosen him to be a soldier.

Offline Omollo

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Re: Watched Chiloba with Jeff yesterday - Says all FORM 34B were signed
« Reply #8 on: October 05, 2017, 12:22:40 PM »
Utter crap! Familiarize yourself with the exhibits handover process at the courts. It is a synthesis of hundreds of years of jurisprudence. Your games will come to naught. Did they also substitute the ones visible to the whole world at the portal?

You are part of the process to destroy the judiciary. You think it is just a political game. many who have done it also thought it is just a simple one time game. Take a deep breath and understand there are many people who read what you wrote and believe you and do not lead them in to the abyss. To me and frankly you are becoming dangerous because you lie KNOWINGLY and I am resenting it Personally.

I think someone inserted fakes just before the scrutiny. This calls for an inquiry after election. If the investigators can get the very bottom of this..and they should...then all guilty need to be charged with high treason.

The justices ruling 4-2 to nullify President Uhuru Kenyatta's victory were CJ David Maraga, DCJ Philomena Mwilu, Smokin Wanjala and Isaac Lenaola. They cited major irregularities and illegalities, especially in tallying and transmission.

Chiloba recorded a four-page statement with four special investigators probing problems that led to the nullification.

NASA is demanding Chiloba's removal before the October 26 presidential rerun, saying he and his team were largely responsible for the botched poll. He has refused to leave.

The besieged CEO spent a gruelling six hours with detectives at his Anniversary Towers offices as a multi-agency team stepped up the probe into how the General Election was bungled.

Chiloba told investigators it was possible someone 'doctored' the report the judges used to reach their landmark ruling that sent shock waves throughout the continent and beyond. No African court has ever overturned the reelection of a sitting President.
... [the ICC case] will be tried in Europe, where due procedure and expertise prevail.; ... Second-guessing Ocampo and fantasizing ..has obviously become a national pastime.- NattyDread

Offline bryan275

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Re: Watched Chiloba with Jeff yesterday - Says all FORM 34B were signed
« Reply #9 on: October 05, 2017, 12:30:49 PM »
I actually find it hilarious when Jubilidiots claim that forms 34As at the court were fake..... of course they were, these were the very same fake forms that JUBILEE doctored to fit the rig.  These childish games when you've been caught stealing are a nuisance. 

Maraga should have named the criminals in his judgment.... he knows that they tried to corrupt him and he should've said so.

Thieving bastards...

Offline Nefertiti

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Re: Watched Chiloba with Jeff yesterday - Says all FORM 34B were signed
« Reply #10 on: October 05, 2017, 12:37:15 PM »
I imagine  a probe such as Pundit suggests would need JSC's oversight.. Not the DPP on a losing respondent's motion.
♫♫ They say all good boys go to heaven... but bad boys bring heaven to you ~ song by Julia Michaels

Offline Omollo

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Re: Watched Chiloba with Jeff yesterday - Says all FORM 34B were signed
« Reply #11 on: October 05, 2017, 12:42:27 PM »
They ordered new forms from Al Ghurair. Muite ruined their plans when he consented to the scrutiny forcing Ngatia to seek an adjournment. He got assurance that even if they go ahead they forms would be clean and ready before they start. They were not.

The other problem arose when the registrar Nyaiyaki refused to play ball like Shollei in 2013. She went through a rigorous handover exercise that was videotaped and verified at every stage by IEBC, Uhuru (agents) and Raila (agents). That made replacement impossible.

They however still went ahead to attempt.

The judgment read by Njoki was written by Mullah, Ngatia and Githu Muigai. It anticipated the replacement of the forms. That is why there is not a single member of the judiciary staff who can verify that Njoki ever examined the forms. She could only access them through the Registrar who would have to obtain the authority from the CJ who would summon the whole SCOK to grant the same. The forms and other exhibits are under the custody of "The Court". Maraga or Njoki or any single or group of judges do not constitute "the court" unless the rules, regulations practices and the law are followed.

 In short Njoki did not and could not have had access to exhibits under the custody of the court. Even if she were to be granted such access, all the interested parties would have to be present. She would not be the "examiner". Instead cvertified experts in the specific item(s) to be examined would undertake the job in a way that preserves the exhibit.

I actually find it hilarious when Jubilidiots claim that forms 34As at the court were fake..... of course they were, these were the very same fake forms that JUBILEE doctored to fit the rig.  These childish games when you've been caught stealing are a nuisance. 

Maraga should have named the criminals in his judgment.... he knows that they tried to corrupt him and he should've said so.

Thieving bastards...
... [the ICC case] will be tried in Europe, where due procedure and expertise prevail.; ... Second-guessing Ocampo and fantasizing ..has obviously become a national pastime.- NattyDread

Offline Nefertiti

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Re: Watched Chiloba with Jeff yesterday - Says all FORM 34B were signed
« Reply #12 on: October 05, 2017, 12:42:39 PM »
I actually find it hilarious when Jubilidiots claim that forms 34As at the court were fake..... of course they were, these were the very same fake forms that JUBILEE doctored to fit the rig.  These childish games when you've been caught stealing are a nuisance. 

Maraga should have named the criminals in his judgment.... he knows that they tried to corrupt him and he should've said so.

Thieving bastards...

These stories that some parties attempted to corrupt, intimidate or otherwise illegally influence the judes particularly strike me as  vicious propaganda.  From anonymous sources :( At least for the allegedly forged forms we have Chiloba's words.
♫♫ They say all good boys go to heaven... but bad boys bring heaven to you ~ song by Julia Michaels

Offline Omollo

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Re: Watched Chiloba with Jeff yesterday - Says all FORM 34B were signed
« Reply #13 on: October 05, 2017, 12:48:33 PM »
Even the JSC would need a court order in this case of the SCOK sitting with full quorum. The procedure for examination etc would have to be established.

I however see no way that could happen. Jubilee should file their petition or appeal before the SCOK.l The response from the registrar will be short.

I imagine  a probe such as Pundit suggests would need JSC's oversight.. Not the DPP on a losing respondent's motion.
... [the ICC case] will be tried in Europe, where due procedure and expertise prevail.; ... Second-guessing Ocampo and fantasizing ..has obviously become a national pastime.- NattyDread

Offline bryan275

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Re: Watched Chiloba with Jeff yesterday - Says all FORM 34B were signed
« Reply #14 on: October 05, 2017, 12:50:41 PM »
I actually find it hilarious when Jubilidiots claim that forms 34As at the court were fake..... of course they were, these were the very same fake forms that JUBILEE doctored to fit the rig.  These childish games when you've been caught stealing are a nuisance. 

Maraga should have named the criminals in his judgment.... he knows that they tried to corrupt him and he should've said so.

Thieving bastards...

These stories that some parties attempted to corrupt, intimidate or otherwise illegally influence the judes particularly strike me as  vicious propaganda.  From anonymous sources :( At least for the allegedly forged forms we have Chiloba's words.

Tell me hand on heart that you do not think Jubilee have tried to corrupt both the process and the judges.... go on...say it.

P.S - A bible can be provided on request

Offline Nefertiti

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Re: Watched Chiloba with Jeff yesterday - Says all FORM 34B were signed
« Reply #15 on: October 05, 2017, 12:52:38 PM »
This chain of custody makes me wonder how Pundit's "probe" is going to happen. How would the  probers get access to Njoki's documents?  Noone outside of JSC has authority to probe SCOK.

It is puzzling too that you know who wrote Njoki's ruling. Did they also write Ojwang's?  It is possible for a judge to dissent and be above board you know.

They ordered new forms from Al Ghurair. Muite ruined their plans when he consented to the scrutiny forcing Ngatia to seek an adjournment. He got assurance that even if they go ahead they forms would be clean and ready before they start. They were not.

The other problem arose when the registrar Nyaiyaki refused to play ball like Shollei in 2013. She went through a rigorous handover exercise that was videotaped and verified at every stage by IEBC, Uhuru (agents) and Raila (agents). That made replacement impossible.

They however still went ahead to attempt.

The judgment read by Njoki was written by Mullah, Ngatia and Githu Muigai. It anticipated the replacement of the forms. That is why there is not a single member of the judiciary staff who can verify that Njoki ever examined the forms. She could only access them through the Registrar who would have to obtain the authority from the CJ who would summon the whole SCOK to grant the same. The forms and other exhibits are under the custody of "The Court". Maraga or Njoki or any single or group of judges do not constitute "the court" unless the rules, regulations practices and the law are followed.

 In short Njoki did not and could not have had access to exhibits under the custody of the court. Even if she were to be granted such access, all the interested parties would have to be present. She would not be the "examiner". Instead cvertified experts in the specific item(s) to be examined would undertake the job in a way that preserves the exhibit.

I actually find it hilarious when Jubilidiots claim that forms 34As at the court were fake..... of course they were, these were the very same fake forms that JUBILEE doctored to fit the rig.  These childish games when you've been caught stealing are a nuisance. 

Maraga should have named the criminals in his judgment.... he knows that they tried to corrupt him and he should've said so.

Thieving bastards...
♫♫ They say all good boys go to heaven... but bad boys bring heaven to you ~ song by Julia Michaels

Offline Nefertiti

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Re: Watched Chiloba with Jeff yesterday - Says all FORM 34B were signed
« Reply #16 on: October 05, 2017, 12:58:22 PM »
I actually find it hilarious when Jubilidiots claim that forms 34As at the court were fake..... of course they were, these were the very same fake forms that JUBILEE doctored to fit the rig.  These childish games when you've been caught stealing are a nuisance. 

Maraga should have named the criminals in his judgment.... he knows that they tried to corrupt him and he should've said so.

Thieving bastards...

These stories that some parties attempted to corrupt, intimidate or otherwise illegally influence the judes particularly strike me as  vicious propaganda.  From anonymous sources :( At least for the allegedly forged forms we have Chiloba's words.

Tell me hand on heart that you do not think Jubilee have tried to corrupt both the process and the judges.... go on...say it.

P.S - A bible can be provided on request

I don't think so at all. False information meant to appeal to prejudice. Propaganda 101. Voila.
♫♫ They say all good boys go to heaven... but bad boys bring heaven to you ~ song by Julia Michaels

Offline bryan275

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Re: Watched Chiloba with Jeff yesterday - Says all FORM 34B were signed
« Reply #17 on: October 05, 2017, 01:00:00 PM »
They ordered new forms from Al Ghurair. Muite ruined their plans when he consented to the scrutiny forcing Ngatia to seek an adjournment. He got assurance that even if they go ahead they forms would be clean and ready before they start. They were not.

The other problem arose when the registrar Nyaiyaki refused to play ball like Shollei in 2013. She went through a rigorous handover exercise that was videotaped and verified at every stage by IEBC, Uhuru (agents) and Raila (agents). That made replacement impossible.

They however still went ahead to attempt.

The judgment read by Njoki was written by Mullah, Ngatia and Githu Muigai. It anticipated the replacement of the forms. That is why there is not a single member of the judiciary staff who can verify that Njoki ever examined the forms. She could only access them through the Registrar who would have to obtain the authority from the CJ who would summon the whole SCOK to grant the same. The forms and other exhibits are under the custody of "The Court". Maraga or Njoki or any single or group of judges do not constitute "the court" unless the rules, regulations practices and the law are followed.

 In short Njoki did not and could not have had access to exhibits under the custody of the court. Even if she were to be granted such access, all the interested parties would have to be present. She would not be the "examiner". Instead cvertified experts in the specific item(s) to be examined would undertake the job in a way that preserves the exhibit.

I actually find it hilarious when Jubilidiots claim that forms 34As at the court were fake..... of course they were, these were the very same fake forms that JUBILEE doctored to fit the rig.  These childish games when you've been caught stealing are a nuisance. 

Maraga should have named the criminals in his judgment.... he knows that they tried to corrupt him and he should've said so.

Thieving bastards...

That Njoki's tome of nonsense was written by those three amigos is no surprise.  She's an idiot for even reading it out loud in court.  I noted some areas even surprised her as she was reading her own opinion on the matter.

Her career is dead... 

Offline bryan275

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Re: Watched Chiloba with Jeff yesterday - Says all FORM 34B were signed
« Reply #18 on: October 05, 2017, 01:00:31 PM »
I actually find it hilarious when Jubilidiots claim that forms 34As at the court were fake..... of course they were, these were the very same fake forms that JUBILEE doctored to fit the rig.  These childish games when you've been caught stealing are a nuisance. 

Maraga should have named the criminals in his judgment.... he knows that they tried to corrupt him and he should've said so.

Thieving bastards...

These stories that some parties attempted to corrupt, intimidate or otherwise illegally influence the judes particularly strike me as  vicious propaganda.  From anonymous sources :( At least for the allegedly forged forms we have Chiloba's words.

Tell me hand on heart that you do not think Jubilee have tried to corrupt both the process and the judges.... go on...say it.

P.S - A bible can be provided on request

I don't think so at all. False information meant to appeal to prejudice. Propaganda 101. Voila.

I knew you'd chicken out... 

Offline Omollo

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Re: Watched Chiloba with Jeff yesterday - Says all FORM 34B were signed
« Reply #19 on: October 05, 2017, 01:04:48 PM »
I am not making a new allegation. I posted this here two days before the determination was read in court. It turned out I was not the only one: Many people on social media were made aware of it and shared.

This chain of custody makes me wonder how Pundit's "probe" is going to happen. How would the  probers get access to Njoki's documents?  Noone outside of JSC has authority to probe SCOK.

It is puzzling too that you know who wrote Njoki's ruling. Did they also write Ojwang's?  It is possible for a judge to dissent and be above board you know.
... [the ICC case] will be tried in Europe, where due procedure and expertise prevail.; ... Second-guessing Ocampo and fantasizing ..has obviously become a national pastime.- NattyDread