I will try one last time:
I have looked at your MOAS and have opted not to discuss or comment. That is NOT what I am asking.
My question is: Do you envisage what would happen in even Uhuru fails to win the election?
Do you envisage what would happen in event Raila wins the election?
Now keep in mind that you stated that the Judiciary and other non compliant entities will be subjected to harassment. I assume without having to hear fromj you thzat an Uhuru loss would mean "No Harassement" for the judicoary. But I am not as gifted as you (acording to your own words) so I am requesting you share with me what you think would happen to :
1. William Ruto
2. Uhuru Kenyatta
3. Jubilee Party
4. Raphael Tuju
5. Inspector General of Police and Kavuludi
6. NCIC Chairman - URP Chairman Kaparo
I just provided a simple sketch and you are free to use a different classification.
MOASS is my dispassionate look at how elections will pan out - I have painstakingly & methodologically analysed all factors - and came up with SOLID FIGURES only to hear this very nondescript developer was part of the rigging scheme... and I have tried all sort of scenarios - the worst case for Uhuru is 50% - best case for Raila is 49%. That was on 8th. Now I think Raila should be thankful if he goes out at respectable 40%. It gonna be a rout.
If NASA had a path to victory I'd be the first to acknowledge it. Until this GEMA-RV alliance is broken - It going to be unbeatable.
And again the only time in my life I have seen William Ruto with my naked eyes - was when they with Uhuru & some MPs were walking to the Ibrahim center near Nation Center when it was burning -2009 or around when UhuRuto rapprochement was starting during Mau forest & Maize scandal period. I was also walking towards Kimathi streets which had a lot of bars I use to partonize. I can't recall seeing him at all in any other setthigns - in fact one of my friend saw him in NO rally and I asked him how he looked - he told me he is "a black thing" 
I am not asking you to see Jubilee losing. Hell NO! You believe they will win and lets assume they will as you have said.
My question is since you are a self proclaimed "dispassionate" pundit, kindly then educate me on the possible scenario were Jubilee to oose (unlike as you believe!). I am counting on an assessment that is unperturbed by your otherwise passionate support for Jubilee to offer me a dispassionate opinion. In other what if NASA won?