I think we are okay - in cleaning up uhuru mess until june.
The half year scores
Revenue are up although below project - by 30b.
Debt is down - as Ruto gov has rejected expensive debt - and kenya is locked out of external debt - we are doing 30% of borrowing - way below 50% of the target.
Only problem - unbudgeted expenditure is nearly 300B - this mostly uhuru inherited mess.
But Ruto has also promised to cut 300B expenditure this year - with suspension of most capital projects.
Ruto maiden budget starts here..
Up 10% from last year collection but below the projections. Meaning to plug the deficit the government has to borrow more than the projected 650b. At some point taxation becomes predatory and depresses consumption. This is what about to happen to alcohol, cosmetics, water, soda and juices.