Author Topic: Ouru between a stone and a hard rock  (Read 1988 times)

Offline Kichwa

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Ouru between a stone and a hard rock
« on: September 18, 2017, 09:44:00 PM »
The USA and EU wants IEBC  to make reforms and they want Ouru and Raila to agree on those reforms before elections.  Ruto do not want Ouru talking to Raila because he does not trust Ouru alone with Raila and he does not want any agreement that would jeopardize his dream of being president of Kenya after Ouru.  Ouru seems to be scared of Ruto and does not know how to handle Raila one on one.  Ouru may have to insist that Ruto should be in the room to negotiate on his behalf.  Ouru should have taken control of his presidency right away and not let Ruto be an equal but he is lazy and loves to drink and having Ruto do the thinking gave him time to drink and hangout.  At a certain point he has to find a way to get rid of Ruto if he is going to have a legacy of his own.
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Offline RV Pundit

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Re: Ouru between a stone and a hard rock
« Reply #1 on: September 18, 2017, 09:49:18 PM »
Jubilee don't listen to EU or US. That is UhuRuto legacy. You need to remember ICC and the aftermath. China would make Jubilee listen - but US or EU - can go worry about North Korea. It's been US or EU who've been trying to warm their way back to GOK otherwise UhuRuto policy is China China China.
The USA and EU wants IEBC  to make reforms and they want Ouru and Raila to agree on those reforms before elections.  Ruto do not want Ouru talking to Raila because he does not trust Ouru alone with Raila and he does not want any agreement that would jeopardize his dream of being president of Kenya after Ouru.  Ouru seems to be scared of Ruto and does not know how to handle Raila one on one.  Ouru may have to insist that Ruto should be in the room to negotiate on his behalf.  Ouru should have taken control of his presidency right away and not let Ruto be an equal but he is laz
y and loves to drink and having Ruto do the thinking gave him time to drink and hangout.  At a certain point he has to find a way to get rid of Ruto if he is going to have a legacy of his own.

Offline patel

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Re: Ouru between a stone and a hard rock
« Reply #2 on: September 18, 2017, 09:55:48 PM »
Uhuru biggest tragedy was to listen to kalenjin mafia and to allow them to execute the low level intelligence rigging that we saw.  You kill the IT head and get the passwords, generate fake numbers and announce yourself winner. Any right thinking person would have asked about metadata and electronic footprints but I guess to them that was just a little problem that Chirober would sort we are staring at constitution crisis of seismic proportion
The USA and EU wants IEBC  to make reforms and they want Ouru and Raila to agree on those reforms before elections.  Ruto do not want Ouru talking to Raila because he does not trust Ouru alone with Raila and he does not want any agreement that would jeopardize his dream of being president of Kenya after Ouru.  Ouru seems to be scared of Ruto and does not know how to handle Raila one on one.  Ouru may have to insist that Ruto should be in the room to negotiate on his behalf.  Ouru should have taken control of his presidency right away and not let Ruto be an equal but he is lazy and loves to drink and having Ruto do the thinking gave him time to drink and hangout.  At a certain point he has to find a way to get rid of Ruto if he is going to have a legacy of his own.

Offline Kichwa

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Re: Ouru between a stone and a hard rock
« Reply #3 on: September 18, 2017, 10:29:50 PM »
That was different. There was no danger of Kenya plunging into chaos at that time.  Also, Kenya was not as broke as it is right now and China was still out  dishing cash. A Right now, Ouru has no choice but to listen to USA AND EU and to elite kiuks who need stability to make money.

Jubilee don't listen to EU or US. That is UhuRuto legacy. You need to remember ICC and the aftermath. China would make Jubilee listen - but US or EU - can go worry about North Korea. It's been US or EU who've been trying to warm their way back to GOK otherwise UhuRuto policy is China China China.
The USA and EU wants IEBC  to make reforms and they want Ouru and Raila to agree on those reforms before elections.  Ruto do not want Ouru talking to Raila because he does not trust Ouru alone with Raila and he does not want any agreement that would jeopardize his dream of being president of Kenya after Ouru.  Ouru seems to be scared of Ruto and does not know how to handle Raila one on one.  Ouru may have to insist that Ruto should be in the room to negotiate on his behalf.  Ouru should have taken control of his presidency right away and not let Ruto be an equal but he is laz
y and loves to drink and having Ruto do the thinking gave him time to drink and hangout.  At a certain point he has to find a way to get rid of Ruto if he is going to have a legacy of his own.
"I have done my job and I will not change anything dead or a live" Malonza

Offline vooke

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Re: Ouru between a stone and a hard rock
« Reply #4 on: September 18, 2017, 11:35:58 PM »
That was different. There was no danger of Kenya plunging into chaos at that time.  Also, Kenya was not as broke as it is right now and China was still out  dishing cash. A Right now, Ouru has no choice but to listen to USA AND EU and to elite kiuks who need stability to make money.

Jubilee don't listen to EU or US. That is UhuRuto legacy. You need to remember ICC and the aftermath. China would make Jubilee listen - but US or EU - can go worry about North Korea. It's been US or EU who've been trying to warm their way back to GOK otherwise UhuRuto policy is China China China.
The USA and EU wants IEBC  to make reforms and they want Ouru and Raila to agree on those reforms before elections.  Ruto do not want Ouru talking to Raila because he does not trust Ouru alone with Raila and he does not want any agreement that would jeopardize his dream of being president of Kenya after Ouru.  Ouru seems to be scared of Ruto and does not know how to handle Raila one on one.  Ouru may have to insist that Ruto should be in the room to negotiate on his behalf.  Ouru should have taken control of his presidency right away and not let Ruto be an equal but he is laz
y and loves to drink and having Ruto do the thinking gave him time to drink and hangout.  At a certain point he has to find a way to get rid of Ruto if he is going to have a legacy of his own.
Us is not exerting no pressure on nusa mkate contrary to some fantasies I have read here
2 Timothy 2:4  No man that warreth entangleth himself with the affairs of this life; that he may please him who hath chosen him to be a soldier.

Offline Omollo

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Re: Ouru between a stone and a hard rock
« Reply #5 on: September 19, 2017, 12:20:42 AM »
Us is not exerting no pressure on nusa mkate contrary to some fantasies I have read here
You will learn a short but brutal lesson in realpolitik soon. The USambassador has been holding consultatiojns with a wide range of people. He hosted youth tonight. All of last week religious leaders and NGOs. I have been in this long enough to know when a senior mandarin in Washington says "Kenya is hosts our largest embassy in Africa and cannot be ignored", I read a whole book in it.

The EU has made its point clear supported by all the affiliate embassies.
... [the ICC case] will be tried in Europe, where due procedure and expertise prevail.; ... Second-guessing Ocampo and fantasizing ..has obviously become a national pastime.- NattyDread

Offline Kichwa

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Re: Ouru between a stone and a hard rock
« Reply #6 on: September 19, 2017, 01:01:27 AM »
There is a reason why serious presidents never give their Deputies too much power. Obama and Biden we close but Biden understood who was president. Ouru and Ruto are literally co presidents and Ruto seems to have a veto power over Ouru. Jomo would turn in his graves if he saw how weak and useless his son was having treated Moi literally like a senior houseboy.  Ouru will soon have to negotiate with Raila without his baby sitter Ruto  and he won't be able to because he will be scared to make a binding decision. This time he cannot blame mademoni. The son of Jomo needs to stop drinking and walk into that room and pull his on weight for a change. This country needs leadership.  IEBC has to be reformed before any elections are held and only Ouru and Raila can make that happen. Yule Mutu wa hasira, needs to be put in his place. You cannot have two presidents from the same side.
"I have done my job and I will not change anything dead or a live" Malonza

Offline RV Pundit

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Re: Ouru between a stone and a hard rock
« Reply #7 on: September 19, 2017, 04:39:50 AM »
From now on Uhuru is lameduck - and Ruto is going be a pain in your butt for what 15-20yrs? You better buckle up because clearly the man knows what he is doing and Odinga has no chance in hell while WSR is running circles around him countrywide.
There is a reason why serious presidents never give their Deputies too much power. Obama and Biden we close but Biden understood who was president. Ouru and Ruto are literally co presidents and Ruto seems to have a veto power over Ouru. Jomo would turn in his graves if he saw how weak and useless his son was having treated Moi literally like a senior houseboy.  Ouru will soon have to negotiate with Raila without his baby sitter Ruto  and he won't be able to because he will be scared to make a binding decision. This time he cannot blame mademoni. The son of Jomo needs to stop drinking and walk into that room and pull his on weight for a change. This country needs leadership.  IEBC has to be reformed before any elections are held and only Ouru and Raila can make that happen. Yule Mutu wa hasira, needs to be put in his place. You cannot have two presidents from the same side.

Offline Kichwa

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Re: Ouru between a stone and a hard rock
« Reply #8 on: September 19, 2017, 06:17:53 AM »
No he will not.  Actually Ruto is much easier to handle "mutu wa hasira".  The dude is pissed off with the whole world and is seething with rage about to explode any minute. Most of his effective speeches is when he is pissed off-which is all the time.  He is more effective when playing a consiglieri role but would be a disaster as  the lead man.

From now on Uhuru is lameduck - and Ruto is going be a pain in your butt for what 15-20yrs? You better buckle up because clearly the man knows what he is doing and Odinga has no chance in hell while WSR is running circles around him countrywide.
There is a reason why serious presidents never give their Deputies too much power. Obama and Biden we close but Biden understood who was president. Ouru and Ruto are literally co presidents and Ruto seems to have a veto power over Ouru. Jomo would turn in his graves if he saw how weak and useless his son was having treated Moi literally like a senior houseboy.  Ouru will soon have to negotiate with Raila without his baby sitter Ruto  and he won't be able to because he will be scared to make a binding decision. This time he cannot blame mademoni. The son of Jomo needs to stop drinking and walk into that room and pull his on weight for a change. This country needs leadership.  IEBC has to be reformed before any elections are held and only Ouru and Raila can make that happen. Yule Mutu wa hasira, needs to be put in his place. You cannot have two presidents from the same side.
"I have done my job and I will not change anything dead or a live" Malonza

Offline RV Pundit

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Re: Ouru between a stone and a hard rock
« Reply #9 on: September 19, 2017, 06:21:53 AM »
I think you're confusing Mr Odinga with Ruto. Ruto the man has incredible energy and is indeed running on "pure hate" of Jakom. I woudn't wish an enemy like that on anybody. I really pity Raila. Ruto is not the guy to take off his eyes from the ball...Raila is gone.About time you invest on Jimmy Orengo.

You see if there anybody whose buried Jakom then it WSR - the greatest propagandist now -greatest communicator - greatest mobilizers - the most effective politician - the man with tonnes of money - the man who doesn't sleep and has been in office about 1hr ago - as Jakom sleeps to wake up 10 am to hold a another presser around lunch hour :) . How do you hope to compete against such a man :) :) The most complete politician.

It's gonna be a massacre on 17th just like the dog beating of 8th.

No he will not.  Actually Ruto is much easier to handle "mutu wa hasira".  The dude is pissed off with the whole world and is seething with rage about to explode any minute. Most of his effective speeches is when he is pissed off-which is all the time.  He is more effective when playing a consiglieri role but would be a disaster as  the lead man.