Author Topic: Jubilee is another Arsenal FC  (Read 1201 times)

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Jubilee is another Arsenal FC
« on: September 17, 2017, 10:05:50 PM »
They lack DEPTH when it comes to eloquence in articulation of their views by way of debates. Arsenal lacks depth and that's why trophies are elusive. A few injuries well into the league and they start panting.

Watch #SideBar,#GamePlan, #AMLive and you come out horribly annoyed by Jubilee shallowness be it Mukormen,Duale,Wamatanks,Kiunjuri, and lately Kihika,Sabina... I've only found DPORK the best spin doctor in Jubilee...but he's too busy for these shows

NASA boys and girls are intellectually stimulating for a better part be it Kaluma,Kajwangs,Magaya

Why's this?
My view is there are very few intellectuals in Jubilee...not that there are no educated negroes in their camp,but they'd have to lose their mind to support Jubilee's asinine leadership.

The other reason is Jubilee 'has the numbers'...the tyranny thing got to their heads and they are sloppy.
NASA is like that severely disadvantaged kid who ends up in Starehe against one too many odds....takes so much thinking to get to a national school
2 Timothy 2:4  No man that warreth entangleth himself with the affairs of this life; that he may please him who hath chosen him to be a soldier.