As I said, I have no problem with IEBC receiving complaints queries and all, but NASWA's last demand reeks of time wasting because unlike others they have withheld their claims from the public, and are demanding a tad too much information, an audit.
If there's rigging and they got shreds of evidence, they should go public with it. As it were, they are essentially demanding to audit IEBC database. How different is this from demanding IEBC accounts for all the ballots,as well as interrogating the rather high number of spoilt ballots, or flawed transport contracts that ocassioned delay and poor turnout or anything else?
By your own admission, NASWA is full of shiet and you wish Omorlo would advise them to abandon that line without anything concrete. Barely 24hrs, they asked IEBC to declare Babu and Kalozer as the president. NASWA is not serious or has not given any reason to be taken seriously.
It's a shame that NASWA Is desperately clinging to hacking theories which have nothing to do with forms 34A,B and of course the mother of all, Form 34C
If IEBC is to spend its 7 days window, it should be on executing its mandate, and not entertaining sore losers who are keeping their gonads crossed that new incriminating info may fall on their laps with passage of time.