Vooke, I not think we will be able to know if there is any discrepancy until the manual counting is done.
Is there a way of confirming whether the data transmitted was from 34A or the other way round?
The delay in Forms 34. Their late arrival defeats their initial confirmatory purpose. They are supposed to be scanned and transmitted in the presence of agents. What are the chances that this legal requirement was met given that they started to materialize on the scene a day after counting was completed? By which time the public had been fed a steady dose of hearsay.
I am hoping they have transmission logs that document when each polling station sent the text and the scanned forms. Such logs need to be made available to the public.
Simple; pick any polling station results from the portal, compare the results with form 34A still from the site or obtained independently.
Nobody so far has picked any discrepancy despite the fact that the portal bears provisional results which are prone to error
Tweaking the keyed-in results or form 34A is plain stupid for these reasons;
1. Party agents signed them and ought to have kept copies
2. Form 34A are supposed to be pinned at the polling station after all is done making them public
3. #1 and #2 means it is very easy to pick discrepancies
4. Form 34B prepared in the basis of form 34As, and in presence of party agents would also bring out the discrepancies.
5. Keyed-in results relayed in the portal are not final and any variance with the actual scanned form 34A means form 34A carry the day
Much as keyed-in results are not final. So far NOBODY has picked any variance between form 34A and the portal figures. Means you shouldn't expect much to change when the commission shifts from the keyed-in results to the Constituency tallying center results in form 34B which last time I checked numbered 117 out of 290