The issue was whether Jubilee registered more than NASA. Citing two places does not prove anything - as any standard five pupils would easily know.
Provide the areas (including that Vihiga and Trans Nzoia) and their numbers then give us the total and say: JP registered more...
I can pick Laikipia alone and make all manner of conclusions.
If you can mount a pedestal and call Narok a Jubilee zone on account of the governor being Jubilee I see no good reason why Kajiado and Trans Nzoia cannot be NASA zones. But then again, you do not base your actions on any consistency, rules or criteria, leave alone logic.
Not all places in Kenya can record a 300% increase in the number of voters since 2002, like Kiambu.
Source of vihiga registering the least expected votes or the fact that Tranzoia is anything but stronghold of either party...Tranzoia right now is 50 50