I cannot stand Mung'aro even though in a way I am pleased and relieved Jubilee chose such an unpopular figure to spearhead their campaign at the Coast despite evidence that his flowery promises are out of sync with the reality on the ground. A better person could have caused us great distress. I therefore seize every opportunity to release some mild invective on him. The bastard!
The poll carries a caveat. Haven't read the one for Kilifi.
However note that this is a poll about the three candidates:
1. Kazungu Kambi
2. Gideon Mung'aro
3. Jeffa Kingi
It is NOT about the Presidential race where some of those who will for example vote for Kambi or Mung'aro will vote for NASA.
It is a unique Kenyan matter.
For example in Kwale, there are Durumas who will vote for Mvurya out of tribal loyalty. But they cannot be caught in the dark voting for Uhuru! They explain their position as blood being thicker than water.
If you put the non-Kingi vote it may come to even 15% or more. However when it comes to Uhuru and Raila, I can't see how Uhuru will get the same votes as last time. KDF may start trouble there. We have heard they are using the lists of Linda Kura Yako brigades to issue arrest warrants against them as MRC. NASA will provide detailed information later.
What I see is a diatribe against Mung'aro which is fairgame. Not a rebuttal on my query - 30% for Jubilee in Kilifi is a big gain on 2013 - a shifting ground [sic].
Is that how you understand it?
Are you saying the polls are wrong or will the Jubilee candidates get 30%?