This is extremely silly and childish coming from a person who has been mounting every platform to proclaim his IT prowess. I think you are just some data clerk somewhere with no knowledge of a database.
Ghost voters need not be in Jubilee's strongholds. In fact so one can spread this type of computer illeterate gospel and get every reterd supporting him, such entries are best "stored" in opposition strongholds. If one read the NASA protest letter, the NASA experts found 400K names carefully spread around the country.
The idea is to "vote" for them remotely by some one with access to the database and with authority to do that. Then those figures will be transmitted to the Polling or Returning officers to include in their tallies.
Since there will be no actual ballot, that is why the Al Ghurair Printing is of deadly importance. They would need to pre-mark the ballots and deliver to the ballot boxes incase of any recount.
Then there is the silly claim that "Jubilee must watch Nyanza". Is NASA giving orders to IEBC staff in Luo Nyanza? Is the County Commissioner a NASA appointee?
I am more than convinced you Pundit are part of the rigging scheme
Exactly - there will be errors - that is given - some of them are data entry errors by clerks -- some machines will fails - some few people will vote double (all you need is clerk issuing you two extra ballots) -etc - but as long as the errors will be fairly and randomly distributed - then will of people will be reflected.
The double registration in Nyanza is nearly five times elsewhere - point at attempts to rig. Jubilee need to find a way to watch out Luo Nyanza - otherwise going by double registration - all manner of shenagians will happen there.
Yep , if the 3% is in either' strongholds...but they are almost randomly and evenly distributed barring Nyanza unassailable lead I double registration