What makes you think because one is Kalenjin or Kikuyu he would necessarily vote for Njaa?
I am daily meeting Kikuyus (leave alone Kalenjins who openly say WSR should continue with his personal business and that they are not for sale) who are more determined to see Uhuru gone than even I.
There is a huge change in Trans Nzoia - where you have not been for years and where I own property and have people staying. Unlike you I admit where we have problems and where the going is rough. For you, its simply looking at a paper saying Kalenjins and you immediately decided = Jubilee.
You lie about the Jubilee development record like you were born to tell lies! I saw the same with Ruto last night and said to my friends who were angry at the lies: "we need that man to make more appearances because we could never manage to destroy Jubilee without him..". Such a liar who manages to take away all the credibility the media has been giving Jubilee. Suddenly all those commercials are placed in perspective. I got a call from Wajir where he claimed to have started constructing a road and I was told people watching over there laughed until they coughed.
It is not just Kipindupindu contributing to making his the laughing stock of Jubilee but his lies have simply turned him in to a public figure of ridicule.
Back to the original, NASA does not need to lock Uhuru out of 27 counties. The minimum is 23. Do your maths.
Yeah easy to lock out Uhuru in Narok or Kajiado or Lamu or TransNzoia where Kikuyu or Kalenjin already make more than 25% - wacha bangi mingi.
Kisii County
Turkana County
Nyamira County
Tana River County
Trans Nzoia County
Samburu County
Lamu County
Marsabit County
Garissa County
Kajiado County
Easy to lock out Uhuru. Period