It was my assumption that you knew a little bit about Project management. The Galana- Kulalu is a project whose super objective is increased food production leading to self sufficiency in grain (to paraphrase generally).
All tenets of the project - be it infrastructure, dams, (roads are part of infrastructure) etc must geared towards meeting the objective of the project. Thus a road being constructed as part of the project is not an aside, if you will. It is part and parcel of the project as designed and budgeted for. At completion, the project was supposed to produce 40 - 50 plus bags per acre at the minimum to be clear - using the infrastructure, including roads and dams! In other words and so we are clear, all the billions allocated for the project were meant for food production.
That has NOT happened. Yet Uhuru Kenyatta calls it a success and lists it among the achievements of Jubilee in his portal of LIES.
I have no idea where you got the idea that maize is price controlled. Price controls are only found on petroleum - nothing else. You can sell maize at any price you wish.
About the open market, there is such a huge market for the maize that the price is gone through the roof.
The NCPB buys maize from farmers. It competes with many millers and retail traders freely. The price dynamics work quite well. If the NCPB pays peanuts, farmers sell to millers, private retailers or simply store izt and wait for price improvements. That is not a proper role for NCPB. It has unlimited storage capacity around the country which it has leased to private maize buyers and even hardware owners. The reason for building that capacity was so it could buy maize when the price was low and get rid of old stocks the same way the central bank releases cash in the market to stabilize the currency.
Instead the NCPB receives directives from the President and Ruto to raise prices so that they can benefit from high prices. It runs out money and grain having sold it at the wrong time. The corruption in it is such that it sometimes pays for maize NOT delivered.
Productivity cannot be increased unless the government takes action to tame cartels and end corruption. Those who benefit from importing maize like Ruto's son, have no interest in increased local production and can therefore import fake fertilizer to dampen production so they can create shortfalls that allow them to sell their cheap imports.
There are anti-trust laws in Kenya which should have prevented one company from developing a monopoly over milk. I need not name it, do I?
There is no provision for long term storage of milk beyond the usual 15 days (forget the lie about 3 months). As an interested party Uhuru cannot regulate milk companies.
How much of the funds in Galana project have been used for infrastructure i.e dams, roads etc and how much has gone to food production? I agree kenya has no grain problem but the problem is lack of open market where maize locally is more expensive than world market due to price controls by National cereals board.
Bottomline whether is milk or cereals we need increased productivity to lower prices of those commodities. A dairy farmer today who had invested in fodder is making a killing, price of raw milk is ksh.45.