So what of he is? Who cares? It seems a bit unfair to stomp on the DP's case when the country largely consists of just thieves and aspiring thieves, with the latter full of admiration and near-worship of the former who have "made it". It is true that in a decent country the DP would not be in office and would probably be doing serious time in an 8-by-12. But this is Kenya, and he is admired for his "hard work" and "hustling" skills. Inspiration for the youth ... right down to unabashed enjoyment of some young side-dish.
Anyone talking these days about the NYS heist (people carrying gunias of cash out of bank basements) or the Mafya House one (billions for second-hand containers)? Or. Or. Or. ... Nop. Why is that?
As for "ruined Uhuru name", what exactly is the nature of the "name"? That daddy robbed the country and junior, after some years of idling in debauched excesses, inherited the loot and found himself in a position from which he could use some of it to sponsor crimes against humanity? Doesn't seem like much of a "name".
Hustler and Muthamaki are, in their own way, a well-matched pair, which explains how they got to where they are; in that bizarro world they even complement each other. Of course, the "little matter" of Kiambaa remains unsettled, but that's for later.