As far as I can remember Turkana and other pastoralist communities have suffered serious famine. What makes it worse is the fact these communities do not farm so there is no food reserves to be used during drought season. I do not see why these communities cannot embrace farming. If Turkana can plant cassava and other drought resistant crops they would have a fall back reserve to go to. As of now they have to move around and hope they can survive this famine.
The government should really work hard to encourage these communities to farm. I also do not understand why a plant like Cassava is not widely grown all over Kenya especially in semi arid areas. Cassava can be used to provide much need carbohydrates. Cassava leaves too are rich in vitamins.
It is time Kenya worked with Nigeria to develop this crop as substitute for maize.
For the pastoralists communities it either they adapt or nature will take care of them