People underestimate the stress and pressures associated with the Presidency. The day I see someone enter that office looking old and come out rejuvenated and looking younger is the day I will change my opinion.
Obama managed to stay together but a casual comparison of his photos before and after reveals that he put on almost twenty years of age within a short span of 8 years in the WH.
Uhuru is coming apart very fast.
Perhaps the man who defied all doomsday prophecies is Kibaki who went in looking dead and emerged unscathed. But then he was laid back and delegated responsibilities first to Muthaura. Muthaura broke down and had to run to South Africa for treatment.
Buhari came to office a bit too late. His first presence was the best time to carry through. It was cut short by Babangida who wanted to protect his corruption. He has made some mistakes like failing to stop the ring fenced military corruption.
He has also failed to focus on mobilizing popular support for his fight against corruption. Nyerere once said his greatest success was to have imbued the socialist spirit in Tanzanians. The greed and selfishness of capitalism had been vanquished in most people. That he believed rightly would take care of most ills like tribalism and corruption.
Buhari chose a near one-man crusade. May be his VP does not believe in the crusade.
On a sober note, the man is old.