Author Topic: Zuma under fire in SA looks like Malema Buoyed by latest Muncipal elections  (Read 1638 times)

Offline Globalcitizen12

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is smelling blood. Zuma and Malema were a couple both of them are political geniuses. However, both got drunk with power and when Malema joined AA and got rehabbed Zuma kicked him out of ANC. I have actually this weekend decided to check on Eff and it seems after suprising ANC in local elections it has now moved to have a commission formed to investigate ZUMA of corruption. What is surprising though is that now that Most SA middle class are starting to admire the genius and bravery of maverick Malema. Although is ideology is very leftist most are seeing his party as an alternative. IT seems his goal is to make sure that ANC doesn't have a majority in 2019 and that the government in 2019 to be a coalition government. so it will interesting to see how this unfolds and any lessons to be learnt from it

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Malema's real legacy will be instilling proper democracy by deflating ANC's post-apartheid momentum. Now all parties should run on an equal footing and offer solutions to current SA challenges. I don't support EFF's occupy or eviction calls which are a proven failure in Zim. Free education, housing, worker rights, etc should suffice while farms are left in productive hands. The agitation is necessary.
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Offline Globalcitizen12

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Malema understands that but he is hoping he can be met halfwAy. Remember he is anchoring his demands on current constitution