Problem with these tech types is they think the world revolves around them. How popular are Google hardware? Barely hear of them just like those failed Microsoft phones and those phones come with Microsoft word etc.
I'll give you an example of where there's a massive amount of data already and most of it meaningless. HEALTHCARE. For decades or centuries I should say, patient heart rate, BP, and so forth have been recorded. There's so much mess, that data gets wiped from the system in 7 years and that policy holds for genetic, blood, bio material etc. Data is meaningless without a context and a predictive purpose.
People sqwak about machine learning like they've discovered factory machines for the first time when it's been around for decades. People squak about data like it's gold when it's just numbers that can be manipulated to whichever, whatever will. AI is just another squak to iterate a marketing trend. AI itself is as slow as science. It brings me back to the analogy of quackery. Right now is the AI quackery stage, organizations pretending AI has happened for marketing and funding when it isn't there yet.
AI development is analogous to science development. Not even CERN's statistical prowess can analyze all that data from a scientifically controlled vacuum. How do you suppose an even bigger poole of mess outside healthcare and CERN is gonna play out?
Nothing. Just fuzz.
The problem right now is science.
Scientists are notoriously behind engineers, developers, computer scientists etc. who'll continue to produce hotshot stuff but with limited accuracy and botched predictions because they share that common void of lacking a science mind. Scientists these days are so stuck in the rut in publishing +ve results rubbish, hobbling for prestige, they don't do what they're supposed to do - science, carefully examine data from observations, be honest about data patterns linked to theories and so forth. Same goes for physicists I noticed they've hit a rut and have plateaued somewhat and perhaps this is because they got too lost in fantasy media as opposed to carefully examining actual data. Unless these practices change, there ain't gonna be much of an AI future.