Author Topic: Can CORD they really match Jubilee's strategy, planning, resources and execution  (Read 11594 times)

Offline RV Pundit

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Jubilee ran a tight ship in 2013 despite ICC hanging over their heads - now exactly 1yr to 2017 - they've began what will certainly obliterate CORD. Meanwhile CORD are still in shambles and as disorganized as ever. Jubilee in my rough MOAS are going to score 60% with combined opposition languishing in 40%.

Offline Kichwa

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Kanu used to own KCC.  The reason why CORD cannot be obliterated is because of factors that money cannot buy. In any given democratic political ecosystem, there will always be enough room for more than one political grouping.  The reason why we had Kanu domination was not because of its unlimited resources but because of its draconian undemocratic methods such as political assassinations, Detention without trial, economic marginalization, etc.  A political party will always have a limitation in capacity and therefore no matter how shinning their headquarters may look, they will not be able to absorb/swallow the entire political free thinking people into Jubilee.  After Jubilee has absorbed all its natural constituents, there will be enough people left to mount a very competitive run for the presidency. Some people actually are repelled with the opulence of these thieves.
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Offline Pajero

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Eurobond money was just too much

Offline Empedocles

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Eurobond money was just too much


It would be nice to know where the money is coming from, be we don't like nice things do we?
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Offline Empedocles

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It would be nice to know where the money is coming from, be we don't like nice things do we?

True.  :D

Offline Nefertiti

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How is this good for KENYA?

Jubilee ran a tight ship in 2013 despite ICC hanging over their heads - now exactly 1yr to 2017 - they've began what will certainly obliterate CORD. Meanwhile CORD are still in shambles and as disorganized as ever. Jubilee in my rough MOAS are going to score 60% with combined opposition languishing in 40%.
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Offline Nefertiti

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Jubilee is far better than CORD organization wise. CORD is really doing Kenya a disservice by not stepping up. What I predict is cracks in Jubilee post-2017 due to monolith structure. Ruto should be careful, makeup does not last.
♫♫ They say all good boys go to heaven... but bad boys bring heaven to you ~ song by Julia Michaels

Offline Georgesoros

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In Kenya, show off will take you to places, even when you're broke. Many Kenyans want to "keep up with the Joneses" so they borrow till they can't anymore. Where did Jubilee get all these monies? Anyone even care to ask? But they will be elected even if they leave the country BROKE.

Jubilee is far better than CORD organization wise. CORD is really doing Kenya a disservice by not stepping up. What I predict is cracks in Jubilee post-2017 due to monolith structure. Ruto should be careful, makeup does not last.

Offline Nefertiti

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I think you got me: this works great for 2017, not so much for 2022. I could be wrong. CORD must do its job and finger the elephant or ship out.

In Kenya, show off will take you to places, even when you're broke. Many Kenyans want to "keep up with the Joneses" so they borrow till they can't anymore. Where did Jubilee get all these monies? Anyone even care to ask? But they will be elected even if they leave the country BROKE.

Jubilee is far better than CORD organization wise. CORD is really doing Kenya a disservice by not stepping up. What I predict is cracks in Jubilee post-2017 due to monolith structure. Ruto should be careful, makeup does not last.
♫♫ They say all good boys go to heaven... but bad boys bring heaven to you ~ song by Julia Michaels

Offline Nefertiti

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Meantime Ruto still has a toothache.

Blow to DP Ruto after 500 URP delegates decamp to CCM

♫♫ They say all good boys go to heaven... but bad boys bring heaven to you ~ song by Julia Michaels

Offline Nefertiti

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Ruto really knows how to network... compared to Raila's noises. He has a PORK-in-waiting's confidence. I hope the bowing will end after the crowning  :D

William Ruto angry at media for ignoring TICAD
♫♫ They say all good boys go to heaven... but bad boys bring heaven to you ~ song by Julia Michaels

Offline Kichwa

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Those who are predisposed to be impressed will be impressed and those who are not will not be impressed. That's my point. They will not impress everybody with their opulence. There will be enough unimpressed Kenyans left to mount a very competitive presidential election so long as the polls are free and fair. There is a point where lavish expenditure in elections starts to have diminishing and even negative returns.
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Offline RV Pundit

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Raila had all this advantages going into 2013 but made a mess out of it. He had backing of many tycoons around including foreign gov and yet they still couldn't match UhuRuto mean machine. Now in 2017 with the added advantage of incumbency; CORD will be blown to smitheren. I see nearly half of CORD mps and governors are already defecting or running for the hills.

As for 2022...the only vote Ruto need is Uhuru...the rest will Ruto has already won. If Uhuru is committed to Ruto presidency and I don't see why he isn't...then it will  be a walk in the park.

Offline Pajero

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It will be tall order for Uhuru to defend his seat,the starategy of buying opposition mps is not bearing fruits,they are not moving with people.

Offline RV Pundit

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First  Uhuru is doing this to move from 50% to 65% - it the icing on the cake. He already has the cake - he won 50% with majority in parliament.

Secondly, how do you know that their people are not moving with them? Changing political tide of a region is not easy; Granted; Jubilee has been on this for 4yrs now; first it begin with mps/governors meeting with Jubilee in secret; then denying it; then it goes public; then they make it official and claim to be starting own party; then now they are joining Jubilee.Mps and governors moving to Jubilee are not fools to jump in with both legs if they haven't tested the ground.  You don't see a lot of Mps in Luo Nyanza moving to Jubilee - Rege & Dalmas -maybe the exception -in other areas - CORD is dead as dodo.

CORD need to show the few remaining non-luo mps - a winning formulae - without that - why would somebody vote to join opposition.

It will be tall order for Uhuru to defend his seat,the starategy of buying opposition mps is not bearing fruits,they are not moving with people.

Offline Pajero

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Can we also say that Issac Ruto will move with his peolple????????

Offline RV Pundit

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He is supporting Uhuru for PORK just like Munya's PNU and Moi's KANU. So in the end nothing moves. I am not sure if there is anyone crossing over to CORD anytime soon.The day Isaac say he is supporting Raila - his support will move from 20% to 1%.
Can we also say that Issac Ruto will move with his peolple????????

Offline Pajero

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How about like of Ababu,Mwahima,Waluke,Mungaros

Ababu Namwamba's much-hyped third political force suffered a setback when two MPs abandoned him for other political outfits.
Source close to the Budalang'i MP said his political activities slowed down following moves by Sirisia MP John Waluke and his Funyula counter part Paul Otuoma.
It had been said the three of them were behind the 'mulembe consciousness' movement aimed at uniting Western residents and securing their place in politics.
Waluke said he had officially crossed over to the ruling coalition ahead of Jubilee Party's launch, for his people's benefit.
The MP, who was ODM's only legislator in Bungoma, had resigned from his position as the party's chairman for the county.
"My constituency has been marginalised by former regimes and my people are still living in abject poverty," he said on Tuesday.
"I am officially joining and will next year vie on a Jubille Party ticket which is a very democratic party so that my people can benefit."
He spoke at Kibeu Primary School during the disbursement of Sh57 million National Government Constituency Development Fund.
The MP is among several Cord politicians who will attend Jubilee Party's official launch at Safaricom Stadium Kasarani, Nairobi, on Saturday.
Read: Kenyans will not eat Jubilee's PR, says Raila
Waluke criticised ODM leader Raila Odinga saying his tour of Western region was inconsequential and would not help him secure votes.
"Odinga should concentrate on areas like Rift Valley and Central where he has less votes. Why should he be roaming in Kakamega and Busia counties alone? Those areas have been taken by Jubilee... let him forget them," he said.
Regarding development, the MP cited the opening of the Sh600 million Chesikaki-Sirisia water project and the tarmacking of Chwele-Sirisia-Lwakhakha road.
He said Sirisia residents had not benefited from road construction projects since independence.
Also read: ODM plans 'major declaration' at 10th anniversary rally in Mombasa, parallel to Jubilee's
Otuoma resigned from his ODM position alongside Ababu but said earlier in the week that he had never been part of the former secretary general's team.
He said he was still a member of the party and would make efforts for Luhyas' needs to be addressed in a structured manner.
Otuoma called for unity among the Luhya and said he would ensure the community has a place in politics.
"The Luhya must not be blinded from obvious truths," he said, adding the people must be visionary.
"You cannot leave your home and have no plan. There must be a plan. There must be a structure."
Ababu and Otuoma, who was ODM vice chairman, resigned saying they had been shortchanged and disrespected by the party.
Speculation has been rife on the MP's plans amid claims he was a Jubilee

Offline RV Pundit

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Where Jubilee will for sure gain ground on CORD is 1) Northern Kenya (Jubilee scores 80%) -3 counties NEP&Isiolo&Marsabit&Lamu&Tana River 2) Secondly the 4 Maa counties (Jubilee scores 80%)-Narok/Kajaido/Laikipia/Samburu 3) Jubilee will also do well in Turkana (maybe 60%). That leaves us with 2 counties of Kisii,4 counties of Luhya, Tranzoia,Taveta, Kwale, Kilifi and Mombasa -possibly Machakos - as the battle ground btw Jubilee & CORD - with Jubilee more than obviously doing way better than 2013. The way I see Kwale & Tranzoia will fall. Gusii counties now seem ready to move on from 07 bitterness - so I expect Jubilee to do really well there. ODM may retain Busia (although Otuoma's Luhya might torpedo the fewer tesos). maDVD keeps Vihiga.Kakamega will be dicey - 3 horse race -btw Jubilee, Khawale & Oparanya. Bungoma is btw Jubilee and Ford-K. ODM will keep Mombasa. Kilifi will be a fight and so will Taveta -where governor and senator are Jubilee bound --so maybe Jubilee will even take Taveta (not sure of Kenyatta land issue).

So rough MOAS - Jubilee nick it with 60% - and if you're not carefully - they can nick it with 65% with constitutional majority in parliament.

All Jubilee need to do is to conduct the most organized,free and fair nomination in 2017. They have to throw all the money in that. They have to ran a mini national election on a small budget. I would advice them to deploy technology.

The only safe counties for CORD are the 4 luo counties, 2-3 Kamba counties and which one? :)

How about like of Ababu,Mwahima,Waluke,Mungaros

Ababu Namwamba's much-hyped third political force suffered a setback when two MPs abandoned him for other political outfits.
Source close to the Budalang'i MP said his political activities slowed down following moves by Sirisia MP John Waluke and his Funyula counter part Paul Otuoma.
It had been said the three of them were behind the 'mulembe consciousness' movement aimed at uniting Western residents and securing their place in politics.
Waluke said he had officially crossed over to the ruling coalition ahead of Jubilee Party's launch, for his people's benefit.
The MP, who was ODM's only legislator in Bungoma, had resigned from his position as the party's chairman for the county.
"My constituency has been marginalised by former regimes and my people are still living in abject poverty," he said on Tuesday.
"I am officially joining and will next year vie on a Jubille Party ticket which is a very democratic party so that my people can benefit."
He spoke at Kibeu Primary School during the disbursement of Sh57 million National Government Constituency Development Fund.
The MP is among several Cord politicians who will attend Jubilee Party's official launch at Safaricom Stadium Kasarani, Nairobi, on Saturday.
Read: Kenyans will not eat Jubilee's PR, says Raila
Waluke criticised ODM leader Raila Odinga saying his tour of Western region was inconsequential and would not help him secure votes.
"Odinga should concentrate on areas like Rift Valley and Central where he has less votes. Why should he be roaming in Kakamega and Busia counties alone? Those areas have been taken by Jubilee... let him forget them," he said.
Regarding development, the MP cited the opening of the Sh600 million Chesikaki-Sirisia water project and the tarmacking of Chwele-Sirisia-Lwakhakha road.
He said Sirisia residents had not benefited from road construction projects since independence.
Also read: ODM plans 'major declaration' at 10th anniversary rally in Mombasa, parallel to Jubilee's
Otuoma resigned from his ODM position alongside Ababu but said earlier in the week that he had never been part of the former secretary general's team.
He said he was still a member of the party and would make efforts for Luhyas' needs to be addressed in a structured manner.
Otuoma called for unity among the Luhya and said he would ensure the community has a place in politics.
"The Luhya must not be blinded from obvious truths," he said, adding the people must be visionary.
"You cannot leave your home and have no plan. There must be a plan. There must be a structure."
Ababu and Otuoma, who was ODM vice chairman, resigned saying they had been shortchanged and disrespected by the party.
Speculation has been rife on the MP's plans amid claims he was a Jubilee