Let stop pretending that we know the future. We don't. Neither can we predict. We can only speculate.
Uhuru is gentleman who has shared power 50-50 for the last few yrs. He has always been a gentleman which is why Kalenjin supported him in 02 and 13 and now in 17. I very much doubt he is interested in some GEMA "conspiracy" -if he was --he would not have stuck in KANU. Uhuru is interested in their family just continuing being powerful. So he'll cut a deal that ensures a Kenyatta is the power behind the throne. And with Ruto he will be assured of continued unrivaled access to power.
Unlike Kibaki, Uhuru has explicitly and publicy endorsed Ruto for 2017. He has so far adhered to 50-50 deal. GoK is running so smoothly. Why would you spoil that as you go to retire? Why risk Kibaki-Raila kind of squable where gok basically collapses as URP wing votes with CORD post 2013

In the event Uhuru suddenly turn around ..throws his legacy to the winds ..... then GEMA will be in a very hard place. Thanks to 50% plus 1...they would have to find somoene with Ruto clout to deputize them. There is nobody near Ruto apart from Raila. Then they will have to think about 1M of their people living in RV....who will then be sitting ducks for arrows.
Uhuru for me will do what a reasonable person will do....he won't risk all his legacy going kaput by starting a war with Ruto & RV--just so some peter kenneth

or Martha Karua to retain "PORK" --something he is not assured of --even with 150% of GEMA vote.
The deal is for Uhuru to "resign" --actually he can just handover power as per constitution to Ruto for months- with few months to election...and Ruto to ran with a GEMA VP --most likely even a meru. If that doesn't happen. Then there will be a big political impolsion in Jubilee with each assured to be a loser.
Uhuru like his father is the only guy who will save GEMA from themselves. He has already done so the last few years. Kibaki instability for the last 10yrs has given in for a smooth gov operation the last few years.
The guys being bandied around like Kenneth never got along with Uhuru in the first place...leave alone Karua

If Uhuru goes mad and insisted on backing another kikuyu ; then it will be somebody else.
Kibaki was a messed up dude who never made Uhuru pork; Uhuru and Ruto made their pact early; ICC helping along; and the lazy Kalonzo never saw that coming. Kibaki to the last minute was probably thinking MaDVD could do it.
The part of about Ruto thought about Uhuru dying...and Ruto becoming PORK. Anybody can die anytime.
Let me make my promise: In the unlikely event that Uhuru and Ruto run together in 2017 and win fairly (without rigging), and in event that Uhuru resigns after serving 2/3 of his term leaving Ruto to run in 2022 as an incumbent, I will support WSR with all my heart.
However let me tell you what will happen:
Assuming WSR does not the huge writing on the wall and decamp now and run in 2017 ruin for Uhuru and prepare to run in 2022 for a win;
1. They will run together
2. GEMA will kill Ruto within a year of Uhuru's inauguration
Since it is not far away, I'll bet you USD 5000 which you shall claim if I am wrong and that is the day, Pundit, you shall know me in person. Because I shall stop posting here or anywhere else for good.
There is no need for a counter bet. I do not wish to take your money so easily.