Yes Omollo, Jubilee favors Gema and RV as their piper. No excuses. Our "ideology" is tribe so while Obama may favor minorities or the poor, our leaders attend to their people. Unlike socioeconomic ideology that allows some wiggleroom, ethnicity is curved in the DNA leading to the PEV scenario.
Uhuru needs a solid Meru block so he unlocks the purse. He does not see such payoff in Bondo or Nyamira. Politics. This takes us to psychophancy and incompetence -- non-GEMA MPs will not do their job so this will stand.
Pundit has pushed here for 80% devolution for expediency. Well 40% seems to be the US, Germany, etc average. Germany has about 15% 'Equalisation' revenue share to ensure equity in living standards. Resource distribution is the driver of harmony or lack of it. Our new laws left 15% for the counties and a meagre 0.5% for equalization

These are the basics that fell through the political cracks in Naivasha.
Yes, our government is tribal and only devolution and the regional balance clause protect non-Jubilee folks from rout. Sad but true.
SUBSIDIES... Economic policy is mandated to the government of the day. Still there are fundamental principles on striving to better the wellbeing of all citizens. Just like the revenue allocation is a policy item yet has equity clauses in the book. Note the duty I allude is to facilitate farmers with viable alternatives, not subsidies per se.
Speaking of conflation, please review the subject before your next post. I sought to address your list below: Tribalism, corruption etc. That is what the Uhuru Kenyatta government is charged with. The other matters such as justification for or against subsidies are indeed subsidiary to the debate. In other words I am asking why a government claiming the legitimacy of election can openly discriminate against its own people and confer privileges based on tribe. I do not think it is a matter to sweep under the carpet by a casual and hurried "admission" before moving on to ostensibly more important issues of government "duties".
I do not agree with your premise that government has any duty whatever to assist any industry unless that industry encompasses a National Security concern. Perhaps you can point at the foundation or basis for this so called "duty". Is it constitutional?
May be you did not notice the contradiction embedded in your own post where one one hand you advocate for the "prudence" of the"free market"while on the other you emphasize government [imprudent] intervention.
Robina what leadership discriminates against citizenry?
Kikuyu farmers have had their debts paid in full by the Kibaki government; Did it help? No they made more debts which Uhuru paid. Take a wild guess when the next debt and repayment would be due!