I feel Ndii is just calling for stronger devolution albeit his funny analysis. People who surround themselves with their 'sycophants' in any sphere are likely to lose it. Have found that most big people- politicians, media, NGO dons, consultants, pastors, drug barons and all- surround themselves with yes people which is good as long as influence/money flow but will likely make very idiotic choices as they are shielded from reality. I can bet Nddi's circle comprise of people who live and think some Nairobi leafy suburbs are Geneva.
Possibly. Maybe he is just being provocative.
While tribalism is a real time bomb, it's not in the way that he seems to think. In fact the ruling tribes benefit only in a vicarious way. Their leaders get to eat on their behalf. The rank and file suffer the consequences like everyone else; but they also bear the brunt of resentment and the dangers that come with it.
Ndii misdiagnoses the problem as ethnic intolerance, rather than the hijacking of ethnicity by elites for purposes of eating. Ethnic intolerance is a symptom of that problem. If Kenya devolves enough, they can get to a point where this type of division can not be relied upon to further the interests of the thieving class. One doesn't need to break up the country into useless entities.
Not too long ago, we may recall allegations to the effect that Raila was fine with Caroli Omondi, making money and benefiting from the proceeds of corruption.
Why can't a Luo make money?, he allegedly asks, as Caroli mutates into Donald Trump within the span of a few months. It is debatable if Luos really benefit from that.