Author Topic: Donald Trump is President Elect of USA. He is going to win very big  (Read 64890 times)

Offline RV Pundit

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Re: Donald Trump is President Elect of USA. He is going to win very big
« Reply #100 on: June 10, 2016, 06:17:17 PM »
Here is evidence Trump got 3m more republicans to vote for him than Mitt Romney

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Re: Donald Trump is President Elect of USA. He is going to win very big
« Reply #101 on: June 10, 2016, 07:50:55 PM »
Trump has said worse. Most people including the repulican who were fell one after the other make this mistake that trump is an idiot. Really?. How did such an idiot make billion of money. How did he turn 1m dollar he inherited into billions if he wasn't smart.

Trumps doesn't care about blacks and latinos. Just like he doesn't care about liberals. He has basically written them off. Trump just want to pander to white blue-collar/poor whites...the redneck. If they can be energized to vote they can turn the tables against Hillary. Hillary has a problem repeating Obama. Maybe woman will get excited?

Racism in America is real..and Trump didn't invent it..he is playing the race card.....while acting dumb. If Trump can get the racist white Americans out there to turn up and Obama got the blacks interested in voting...then POTUS Trump is going to become a reality come nov.

Trump is going nowhere after last weeks rant. He entangled himself and is unable to proceed. He is a ranting egomaniac.
I still think his appeal to the Republican right does not translate into the general.  Is there racism?  Yes.  Will people be turned off by Trump for the same?  Yep.  His best chances, and they are terrible, lie in reaching disgruntled Bernie supporters; these voters will vote Hillary before Trump, just on the basis of his racism.
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Re: Donald Trump is President Elect of USA. He is going to win very big
« Reply #102 on: June 10, 2016, 08:15:37 PM »
There are states that trump will win by default....and that is middle of America...whatever Romney/Cain won...Democrats are also winning the coastal  & southern border states by default...the battleground states like Ohio will be down to the extremes of both end..turning up to vote. Most white rednack have not yet had their they have somoene not afraid to say what they say in private.
I still think his appeal to the Republican right does not translate into the general.  Is there racism?  Yes.  Will people be turned off by Trump for the same?  Yep.  His best chances, and they are terrible, lie in reaching disgruntled Bernie supporters; these voters will vote Hillary before Trump, just on the basis of his racism.

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Re: Donald Trump is President Elect of USA. He is going to win very big
« Reply #103 on: June 12, 2016, 06:55:58 PM »
Elizabeth Warren as Clinton's VP is an intriguing concept.  Elizabeth Warren is a more likeable, and would represent the Bernie Sanders platform.  Perhaps that should be the deal that gets Sanders fully behind the ticket. 

The Clinton machine has also started working on Trump; he is going to need serious money to counter that; we'll see where he gets that given that RNC is in disarray.
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Re: Donald Trump is President Elect of USA. He is going to win very big
« Reply #104 on: June 12, 2016, 08:04:05 PM »
That would be insane. Two women. Money never worked in primary and I doubt it will work. Trump gets free media coz he makes controversial decision one after the other. With shooting in Orlando, Trump crazy idea to ban muslim is going to get traction.
Elizabeth Warren as Clinton's VP is an intriguing concept.  Elizabeth Warren is a more likeable, and would represent the Bernie Sanders platform.  Perhaps that should be the deal that gets Sanders fully behind the ticket. 

The Clinton machine has also started working on Trump; he is going to need serious money to counter that; we'll see where he gets that given that RNC is in disarray.

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Re: Donald Trump is President Elect of USA. He is going to win very big
« Reply #105 on: June 12, 2016, 09:06:26 PM »
That would be insane. Two women. Money never worked in primary and I doubt it will work. Trump gets free media coz he makes controversial decision one after the other. With shooting in Orlando, Trump crazy idea to ban muslim is going to get traction.
Elizabeth Warren as Clinton's VP is an intriguing concept.  Elizabeth Warren is a more likeable, and would represent the Bernie Sanders platform.  Perhaps that should be the deal that gets Sanders fully behind the ticket. 

The Clinton machine has also started working on Trump; he is going to need serious money to counter that; we'll see where he gets that given that RNC is in disarray.
He is getting negative media.  In the primary all he had to do was appeal to the racist Republican base.  Most folks, like 90 something % that are turned on by racist campaigns were already domiciled in that party.  That primary.  Can he spread the hate?  I doubt it.  Obama won twice, not because people did not try.

Trump generally has negative appeal.  He needs the Republican voters to be committed to him, to have a chance(in some cases to even retain current red states).  I see that as more of a problem for him than Hillary and Bernie supporters.  Hillary's own lack of appeal, is what will save him from being bulldozed.

I think the polls should settle in the next few weeks.  Barring some drama from the FBI on the Clinton email affair, she should be on her way.  People will hold their noses and vote for her.

Here is the first salvo from Clinton; it's currently doing loops on mainstream TV.  In addition to free negative media .  Watched by an unsympathetic non-Republican crowd.

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Re: Donald Trump is President Elect of USA. He is going to win very big
« Reply #106 on: June 12, 2016, 09:25:40 PM »
Trump is going to get an up swing post-orlando terror attack.He is going to milk this and make a meal out of it. For me it really down to blacks/hispanic versus rednecks. The ultra liberals & ultra conservative will sort out each other. Who will come to vote. So far Trump is polling 41% versus 44% Hillary- on average in national and most of battleground states. Trump started worse in rethugs nomination. Still a lot of people who are undecided. It down to having another democrat running Obama 3rd term or a new crazy dude. I think US of A is ready for a crazy dude.

Btw now and nov...a lot will happen...choice of VP..convention...who knows.

He is getting negative media.  In the primary all he had to do was appeal to the racist Republican base.  Most folks, like 90 something % that are turned on by racist campaigns were already domiciled in that party.  That primary.  Can he spread the hate?  I doubt it.  Obama won twice, not because people did not try.

Trump generally has negative appeal.  He needs the Republican voters to be committed to him, to have a chance(in some cases to even retain current red states).  I see that as more of a problem for him than Hillary and Bernie supporters.  Hillary's own lack of appeal, is what will save him from being bulldozed.

I think the polls should settle in the next few weeks.  Barring some drama from the FBI on the Clinton email affair, she should be on her way.  People will hold their noses and vote for her.

Here is the first salvo from Clinton; it's currently doing loops on mainstream TV.  In addition to free negative media .  Watched by an unsympathetic non-Republican crowd.

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Re: Donald Trump is President Elect of USA. He is going to win very big
« Reply #107 on: June 12, 2016, 09:33:29 PM »
Yeah, he'll try to gain from Orlando.  But he has to be smart about it.  The general electoral undecideds tend to be a bit more swayed by convincing arguments.  The ban all Muslims approach won't work, for the simple reason that Omar was natural born citizen in the first place.
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Re: Donald Trump is President Elect of USA. He is going to win very big
« Reply #108 on: June 13, 2016, 06:16:45 AM »
Never seen somebody politicize a tragedy so quickly. The Donald is milking it.

In his remarks today, President Obama disgracefully refused to even say the words 'Radical Islam'. For that reason alone, he should step down.

If we do not get tough and smart real fast, we are not going to have a country anymore.

Trump's full statement is here. 

Also, pasted below 

"Christianity is not a religion, but a personal relationship with Christ".

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"I freed a thousand slaves.  I could have freed a thousand more if only they knew they were slaves."

Harriet Tubman

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Re: Donald Trump is President Elect of USA. He is going to win very big
« Reply #110 on: June 30, 2016, 05:54:01 PM »
Trump jumps ahead of Hillary.  We are in a sick place when Trump and Hillary are the main options.

Donald Trump has jumped ahead of Hillary Clinton by 4 percentage points, the first time he has led her in a national poll since 38 days ago.

The poll of 1,000 likely voters from Rasmussen Reports found that 43 per cent would vote for Trump if the November election were held today, compared with 39 per cent for Clinton.
That represents a 9-point swing in just the last week: Seven days ago the same pollsters reported that Clinton was leading the presidential race by 5 points.
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Re: Donald Trump is President Elect of USA. He is going to win very big
« Reply #111 on: July 01, 2016, 08:21:35 AM »
The bump is expected. With Orlando, Brexit and Ankara terror attacks. I think Trump after making peace with his party will be unassailable. That should happen once he select a VP and rethugs hold their convention. So far he has been dealing with lots of friendly fires....from the likes of McCain,Romney and other rethugs who don't trust him.

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Re: Donald Trump is President Elect of USA. He is going to win very big
« Reply #112 on: July 16, 2016, 08:30:45 AM »
So trump settle on Mike Prince for VP.I see the poll numbers are tight. Hillary VP choice is romoured to be military general.

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Re: Donald Trump is President Elect of USA. He is going to win very big
« Reply #113 on: July 16, 2016, 08:18:11 PM »
Expectedly... make up for weaknesses with veeps. I call it for Trump: ISIS is a golden goose.

So trump settle on Mike Prince for VP.I see the poll numbers are tight. Hillary VP choice is romoured to be military general.
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Re: Donald Trump is President Elect of USA. He is going to win very big
« Reply #114 on: July 20, 2016, 12:54:00 PM »
It seems Melania Trump's speech writer copied Michelle Obama's 2008 convention speech stanza by stanza. To keep the comic headlines rolling of course. Apparently noone will be fired for this "mistake".
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Re: Donald Trump is President Elect of USA. He is going to win very big
« Reply #115 on: July 22, 2016, 04:51:49 PM »
We should see a bump in Trump's overall numbers after the convention.  The popular numbers are kinder to him thus far.  The electoral college math still looks like a nightmare for Trump; this is the only thing that matters.
"I freed a thousand slaves.  I could have freed a thousand more if only they knew they were slaves."

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Re: Donald Trump is President Elect of USA. He is going to win very big
« Reply #116 on: July 22, 2016, 05:26:51 PM »
This is Trump election to lose. ISIS are making him POTUS every day they attack the white world. Looking at battleground states - they're pretty tight now. Just like Britain shocked everybody by exiting EU - American whites are ready for Trump. I am not sure how Trump will implode - he has said all the stupid (iest) things one could say already - and yet he still very very strong.

Real clear - battle ground states
                       Clinton versus Trump
Pennsylvania   45.5   42.3   Clinton +3.2
Florida   44.0   43.4   Clinton +0.6
Ohio   43.5   42.0   Clinton +1.5Trending Down ---Clinton is having problem in place where Obama won with 69% and where a rethug has to win - and Trump will carry this big.
Wisconsin   44.3   38.7   Clinton +5.6
Iowa   42.3   39.3   Clinton +3.0
Virginia   43.8   39.0   Clinton +4.8
North Carolina   44.0   42.0   Clinton +2.0
Georgia   40.8   45.0   Trump +4.2
New Hampshire   43.4   40.8   Clinton +2.6
We should see a bump in Trump's overall numbers after the convention.  The popular numbers are kinder to him thus far.  The electoral college math still looks like a nightmare for Trump; this is the only thing that matters.

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Re: Donald Trump is President Elect of USA. He is going to win very big
« Reply #117 on: July 22, 2016, 05:42:16 PM »
This is Trump election to lose. ISIS are making him POTUS every day they attack the white world. Looking at battleground states - they're pretty tight now. Just like Britain shocked everybody by exiting EU - American whites are ready for Trump. I am not sure how Trump will implode - he has said all the stupid (iest) things one could say already - and yet he still very very strong.

Real clear - battle ground states
                       Clinton versus Trump
Pennsylvania   45.5   42.3   Clinton +3.2
Florida   44.0   43.4   Clinton +0.6
Ohio   43.5   42.0   Clinton +1.5Trending Down ---Clinton is having problem in place where Obama won with 69% and where a rethug has to win - and Trump will carry this big.
Wisconsin   44.3   38.7   Clinton +5.6
Iowa   42.3   39.3   Clinton +3.0
Virginia   43.8   39.0   Clinton +4.8
North Carolina   44.0   42.0   Clinton +2.0
Georgia   40.8   45.0   Trump +4.2
New Hampshire   43.4   40.8   Clinton +2.6
We should see a bump in Trump's overall numbers after the convention.  The popular numbers are kinder to him thus far.  The electoral college math still looks like a nightmare for Trump; this is the only thing that matters.

Clinton still has a path even including losing the big three Pensylvannia, Ohio, Florida.  Trump must win North Carolina and all the big three.  That a state like Georgia is even in play is actually a bad sign for Trump.  Georgia is usually reliably red.  She has an easier path to the white house than Obama did.

The thing killing Trump.  He has excited his base, some of whom are in reliably blue states.  So his popular numbers go up, even in situations where it means nothing because of the winner take all nature of the electoral college.
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Re: Donald Trump is President Elect of USA. He is going to win very big
« Reply #118 on: July 23, 2016, 11:57:08 AM »
Clinton choices a spanish senator Kaine. I think he already had the spanish vote - and should have chosen a military general - considering Trump has ran away with security.

In the meantime Trump is closing on Hillary

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Re: Donald Trump is President Elect of USA. He is going to win very big
« Reply #119 on: July 23, 2016, 12:43:19 PM »
Fresh ISIS attack in Munich, 8 dead. Hillary will be toast soon.
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