Author Topic: Lucid dream last night  (Read 7076 times)

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Lucid dream last night
« on: February 04, 2016, 06:29:45 AM »
I haven't had vision-like dreams for a long time now. I did last night. It was v. disturbing.

I was on a train looking outside the window. Piles of clothes, sleeping bags, and refuse dotted the landscape. I knew I was somewhere in Europe.

I was greeted by a woman when I got off the train. She took a group of us to an apparent secluded place where "they" couldn't get to us? I looked outside the window and all these people were walking towards the place. I heard a guy scream "protect the psychic!" and they pushed me higher up the stairs. I looked outside the window and could see  masses of people surrounding the place. So I opened the window and climbed out. I can't recall how we escaped but we did.

I then went into a lucid state and saw a map of the world. Places were dotted red, there were places on the map I hadn't seen before. Underwater locations? other continents? Not sure. Middle of America were effected by a plague? Nearly all of Europe, Asia, not top and southern hemispheres like Russia? Not Australia.

I woke up sick and I could hear my own voice ringing over and over again- Europe is going to fail. I haven't had a dream like this since 2007. That year I had a series of continuous visions about 5 times a day. Bodies washed along shores, hazmat suits, people being strung up like dead cattle, diseases, plague, this dream was something of that magnitude.