I agree, something stinks to high hell with the Eurobond but I doubt RAO would unleash the information he really has.
A little story: Do you know much about quail? I understand that quail-farming is (was?) a "big" business in Kenya. Foodwise, I have my doubts on such activity: most people who love quail are into it for the wild version; the "farmed" version comes nowhere near that. I know this because I have extensively eaten both versions---my grandmother made the most amazing quail dishes whenever---and have pretty much given up on the latter.
But that is not the little story, which is this:
My grandmother used to catch quail by setting traps, and whenever we visited we'd go take a look at those. Once in a while, some bird would hear the cries of those caught in the traps and wander over there. As soon as humans approached off they'd go. But quail have limited flying ability, so we could chase a bird around until it stopped and went into some bush. In such a situation, it was never necessary to know exactly where the bird was; it sufficed to know that it was "in there, somewhere". Literally beating about the bush (with a big stick) would bring it to the fore, and supper would be had.