I cannot see the scandal here. The Eurobond was intended to help REDUCE domestic borrowing, hopefully force banks to lend to private sector and individuals rather than treasury. This worked out with some measured success before the dollar strengthening derailed that. This was clearly explained long time ago.
Raila is making a laughable case here. GOK will borrowed 250B locally this year. In 2013/14 they borrowed part of it locally and part of it from Eruobond. For GOK it the same money.EuroBONDS was not ring-fenced to any project..just like TreasuryBONDS are not. Therefore asking Rotich where the money went is ridicolous. If the money came to Consolidated Account..and it did...then it was allocated to the budget lines of every ministry.
If Raila & company contend we still borrowed 140B domestically .....shows us who lend the gok....it easy to clean this information from CBK tbills/tbonds data.... whatever loan is bought by treasury is published by CBk.