In East Africa which other country has SGR line? I am told the only advantage of SGR is to be able to move passenger trains at high speed. I learn that passenger trains are not feasible for NRB to Mombasa route because for the less than the proposed ticket of 4,500 you can board a plane. For passenger railway company to be profitable GOK needs to offer subsidies to reduce the ticket to 800 shs. The other concern is that we lack 17,000 kilo watts needed to run the rail line. That is why we have to use diesel meaning the maximum speed you can attain on SGR line is 80 MPH..
I am told that World bank suggested that Kenya upgrades the old rail at 50 billion that 0.5 million dollars a kilometer..
The SGR cost of 327 to 440 billion shillings as proposed is way to high since it way above the cost SGR lines built elsewhere .. Only USA and a few other countries like Japan have SGR because of need for high speed passenger railway line but our comparative countries have the regular rail that they have upgraded..
The other argument against SGR is that we do not have enough cargo to support the rail capacity of 200 million metric tons. to make the current SGR to operate optimally we need to transport over 150 metric tons of cargo.. Kenya only imports 25 million tons so there will be excess capacity.
whatever the case I think I need to see the world bank report so if anyone has a copy kindly post it..
To the proponents of SGR give me your reasons of supporting this project and not support upgrading old line at cost of 50 billion to do the same job as SGR