Tues 10th August 2027, Election Day
According to reliable source, teachers case at the Court of Appeal is a done deal after exchange of shillings 90 million. TSC paid sh90 million to its lawyers to facilitate/fix the case at the Court of Appeal. The aspects to be determined in the case will centre on 3 main triable issues: 1). Did the Learned Judge of the Industrial &Labour Court create his own case instead of dealing with the case that was filed in court; 2). Decision in rem and in personam and finally 3). Role of SRC in determining salaries for public servants as required by the constitution. These are hefty issues. They require research and reasoning of the late celebrated English Judge, Lord Denning and our own, the late Chief Justice Madan. Judiciary is rotten and justice is peddled to the highest bidder. Feel sorry for the teachers.
I bet you lawyers and influential people in his circles are leaking this info or Intel services . He is an insider