Tues 10th August 2027, Election Day
Full statement by ODM titled ten reasons Uhuru fixed Ruto Uhuru sponsored a motion at the African Union seeking to have an international Criminal Court for Africa to replace the I.C.C. the motion was adopted. Uhuru even paid 1 Million dollars from Kenya to the A.U. to start the process. Ever since his case collapsed, Uhuru has not spoken on that issue again. We have no option to conclude that Uhuru Kenyatta did everything to get Ruto to The Hague and has done nothing to get Ruto out of The Hague.Read more at: http://www.standardmedia.co.ke/article/2000179117/odm-alleges-10-points-linking-president-uhuru-to-ruto-icc-fixing?articleID=2000179117&story_title=odm-alleges-10-points-linking-president-uhuru-to-ruto-icc-fixing&pageNo=2