Is about a group of philosophy students given thought experiments using "logic" i.e. which professions would you select to salvage the human race after an apocalypse. It reminded me of something I learnt in philosophy about how artists are heavenly host beacons. Great artists see God. They create things that don't exist in the world. Inspiration doesn't come from logic. You can't logically understand Da Vinci's sketches- even though he is considered a great scientist.

I'm of the opinion the field of science has become stagnate because the modern scientist is trained to be subservient to capitalist enslavement. In Da Vinci's time it was a theocratic political model and scientists were devoted to divine inspiration. How did whole generations become cursed and blindsighted from a greater cosmic revelation? Is it even possible to salvage humanity from a path to extinction? When I was a freshman 15 years ago, I used to go up to the 9th floor of my campus library and think for hours about extinction. I'd look outside the window pane and watch people walk about, then look up to the sky and think about history.
What would history have been like without God?