It's a very clever way of NOT saying the agreement with WU ended. I just found out WU have been fleecing me. The exchange rate they use is very low and then they collect a huge transfer fee.
I want to assume if they clashed with Mpesa it is all about sharing the loot. I always wondered why it was cheaper to collect the money from their agents and more expensive to send to a cellphone. It made no sense.
Mpesa is here to stay. I have seen it in the future. I don't see WU in that future. A time will come when anybody anywhere can transfer money to anywhere with a few button presses on the cell phone. The recipient would buy tickets, food, gas, clothes etc using the cellphone. The so called ATMs would cease to be important just like the telephone kiosks were fights used to break out.
I had one old kiosk restored. I plan to install a modern cell phone inside and let my guests experience how it used to be.