Apache/Php (IIS/asp)..i remember the fanfare it came with around the late 90s..Kipngetich is more a CGI guy...those days the webserver was hooked to C++ or perl or python. Then came Java with JSP...later Javascripts. Then copycat Asp.NET and Apache 2.0 and Php later version...nowadays the craze is on ruby on rails...and all sort of javascript frameworks.
The guy sure knows of wordpress but he has a lot to learn about skinning it. Nearly every modern site sit on top of a cms but they do not look the same or as horrible as rcb.Certainly rcb looks like a dog hind leg.
Hehe...Web 4.0. Kipgentich has an old school approach to the web. It begins and ends with apache for him. He comes from that school that viewed javascript, CSS etc as a nuisance. It's a tough habit to break.