Gema demographically is transitioning..I think combined they should be about 19-20%..Kikuyus 17% (I see a drop of 0.5% from 09 census),Meru(2%) and Embu & Mbeer(1%)...Luhya should be 15.5% if not 16%..Kalenjin I think 14%..but this ratios could be thrown out if Somalis,turkanas and northern tribes swing another suprise..they are having a baby boom possibilities of refugees and inflated figures (see Mandera and Turkana).
However what count is the number of over 18s...and that I think is where somalis,maasai,luhyas,kalenjin and communities now growing (esp those in arid areas) dont have the numbers....most of Somalis for example are kids..each family has 8-9 kids.
Then of course we will have to wait for registration get the actual votes.
So they intend to register 31% of the electorate? Is that feasible? If they have since grown from 22% to 31% that means Kalenjin and Luhya have suffered a massive plague epidemic that wiped out millions.