Anyone with dough can easily make about $10,000+ in under 2 hours anytime between 4AM and 11AM on ONCO using my tested bleed-to-death strategy that has a 100% winning rate on over 3000K tickers. Has a way to help folks get rich in 2025; load as soon as it flatlines, especially under.50 if it hits that price. The wall street whales shorted heavy, and they are going to close early in the next few hours, anytime from 5 AM to 11 AM. Flatlining for like 30 minutes is time to load and wait for big money to close their short positions, then start selling above .70+ when scanners start attracting rookies and chasers. Most of the time it happens between 6 and 9 AM, but sometimes it may happen later! Bleed-to-death is when a ticker pumps, then drops significantly before close and continues dropping after hours and again at 4 AM before flatlining! When it consolidates after the 4 AM drop after two previous drops, all I see is $$$$$ Likely to go from .50-1.10+, which is massive if you dump 10K on it in one trade. If you are skilled, there are 10-20 trades like that daily, but you have to be battle tested, calm, disciplined, like Marine, quick, and excellent in math. Trading is a rigorous mathematical process that requires years of experience and the development of unique strategies.