Nope Kalenjin are Nilo-Cushitic people.
Pokot/Marakwet/some Moi tugens - intermarried with Turkanas - and got re-injection of Dinka genes.
I dont know if you have seen Hima/Tutsi - majority are not cushitic.
They are just like Kalenjin and Maa - Nilo-Cushitic/Nilo-Hamitic
There are some kalenjin or maa who look cushitic completely - also you see the same in Kikuyus/Merus.
This because you meru/kikuyu are mixed with Kalenjin/Maa.
Again DNA has been done.
Got to this site -
Let me educate you, Kalenjins are close to other nilotic people like luos my friends and far from tutsi hima, you have plenty of wishful thinking probably combination or mursik and hard liquor, Kalenjins are proper negroes from south sudan physical characteristics of kalenjina are way off, look at Ruto and other kalenjins they are more south Sudanese dinka luo nuer