1) For the last 20 years,Uhuru and Kibaki stuffed their proxies in the Kenya security apparatus. Ruto has been in the system for just 2 years.
2) Like we have seen on social Media, There are thousands of GENz and parents of GENz in the security services. You can imagine a situation where your brother is a protestor and you are the police man.
3) There is anger and frustration even within the security services due to corruption and cost of living.
4) The Kenya security apparatus is a cosmopolitan organization that wouldn't want to be engaged in political factions.
5) The Kenya Judiciary,NGOs,Church,Muslim Clerics, International organizations wouldn't allow the use of force in Modern day Kenya.
6) Use of force would ignite massive uprising.
7) you don't want a situation where people start disturbing once you are out of power.

He has lost the MT Kenya vote block which gave him over 30% vote. That means he has no political capital and the more the chaos,the more the loss of political support.
1) Use of force is not an option, GUNS DON'T WORK,
2) Give dialogue a chance,
3) Prosecute corrupt people even if they are your relatives,
3) Withdraw the finance bill.