Author Topic: Will the USA oust Bin Salman?WW3?  (Read 1438 times)

Offline Githunguri

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Will the USA oust Bin Salman?WW3?
« on: October 14, 2023, 02:45:26 AM »
USA doesn't like a United Middle East, That is United Islamic society with money (oil).I think we have seen Saudi crown prince bin salmon trying to make a pact with Iran(russia ally) while the GAZA attacks have united muslims across arab world in particular middle east muslims.I think USa will take advantage of this and create crisis in saudi,iran & egypt and bin salman will be the first victim...

One side we have Europe & USA which have 1BN population, less economic growth VS Muslims (ME n Asia) Russia,China,India which have booming economies,gas,oil n population.A divided arab world and continued fighting against russia and china is a military prize for europe and usa.

As bin salman,ayatollah seek to unite muslims especially in the war against israel,I dont see lasting long in power