Author Topic: GEMA finally out of Power.  (Read 6775 times)

Offline Githunguri

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GEMA finally out of Power.
« on: August 28, 2023, 06:52:18 AM »
Defence somali duale (Over 100BN budget)
Head of civil service Aisha Jumwa and Koskei-They basically run goverment.Replaced Kinyua.
KRA Bukusu replaced Mburu (Over 2TN revenues and can slap you with a tax bill)
NIS Somali Haji replaced Kameru (40BN unaudited NIS budget)
KDF Luo Ogolla replace Kibochi
KAA-Gitari replaced by luhya i think (Airport billions Unless you use your ass to think,How can JKIA not have working backup systems)
NA Speaker Luhya replace Muturi (Frustrate anybody who opposes Ruto)
Senate Speaker Mijikenda
Chirchir-Energy Lots of billions of dollars
DCI somali Amin replaced Kinoti (Investigate rebel UDA Mps in Mt kenya-Thats why Ndindi and rebels lie low)
Roads Murkomen replaced Macharia (Roads rails airports tenders worth billions)
Eliud Owalo ICT replaced Macharia--Lots of money here ICT contracts
Dpp-Luhya Eacc Oginde (basically all investigate and prosecutorial powers EACC->DCI->DPP) rest like Kindiki,Linturi,Miano take instructions and are deputised by Kale.

Next should be to rope in ndindi,kindiki,njuguna and ichungwa in corrupt deals and if they attempt to oppose GOK,summon them at DCI while lynching their political careers in Parliament and public rallies.They will become Kamothos.

Offline RV Heavy Hitter!

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Re: GEMA finally out of Power.
« Reply #1 on: August 28, 2023, 08:04:58 AM »
GEMA can never be out of power when their Kingpin (Dr Ruto) is the president of Kenya. There is no single Kenyan more pro-gema than Ruto in the globe (Late Kibaki and Uhuru not even close), take it from me. I see you left out Kimani Ichungwah, Ndindi (Budget guy), Ndii Policy guy, Ndungu, money guy, Kamau Thugge, another Money guy, Mithika, Agriculture, Alice Wahome, water lady, Kuria, Trade guy, Njeru, lands guy,  Gachagua, the head of all those you listed, and countless senior in key appointments in key places. I see a scenerio where Ruto will get 95% GEMA, 80% Luhya, and 98% Kalenjins in 2027; that is simply unbeatable.
The future belongs to those who have a quarter of the character and integrity of RV Heavy Hitter!

Offline kneegrow04

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Re: GEMA finally out of Power.
« Reply #2 on: August 28, 2023, 10:28:44 AM »
Garbage in garbage out. I shudder to think these statements are being echoed by Kenyans who are supposedly polished. Where is the ordinary Kenyan in all this? Least of all, how is the ordinary Kenyan benefitting or going to benefit, as a right, not a favour from the so called Gema list and the KK government? I don't see Kenya going anywhere if Ruto and his relatives, supporters, online mercenaries and goons are still stuck in tribal rut. Tell us how we, Kenyans, are going to be a middle level economy by 2030. Ruto can appoint his wife head of public service or even finance minister. I don't have a problem with that so long as she does her job well. But go slow with the tribal rants.

Offline Nowayhaha

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Re: GEMA finally out of Power.
« Reply #3 on: August 28, 2023, 10:48:32 AM »

Says a Jaduong masquerading as a Kyuk . Uhuru made GEMA realise you can have the Govt and power but gain nothing .
GEMA suffered more under Uhuru and lost hope . The few who had some hope in Ruto are now having a wake up call after Ruto went tribal and blundered policywise.
Apathy and poverty is so big we are  back into the Moi era .

Defence somali duale (Over 100BN budget)
Head of civil service Aisha Jumwa and Koskei-They basically run goverment.Replaced Kinyua.
KRA Bukusu replaced Mburu (Over 2TN revenues and can slap you with a tax bill)
NIS Somali Haji replaced Kameru (40BN unaudited NIS budget)
KDF Luo Ogolla replace Kibochi
KAA-Gitari replaced by luhya i think (Airport billions Unless you use your ass to think,How can JKIA not have working backup systems)
NA Speaker Luhya replace Muturi (Frustrate anybody who opposes Ruto)
Senate Speaker Mijikenda
Chirchir-Energy Lots of billions of dollars
DCI somali Amin replaced Kinoti (Investigate rebel UDA Mps in Mt kenya-Thats why Ndindi and rebels lie low)
Roads Murkomen replaced Macharia (Roads rails airports tenders worth billions)
Eliud Owalo ICT replaced Macharia--Lots of money here ICT contracts
Dpp-Luhya Eacc Oginde (basically all investigate and prosecutorial powers EACC->DCI->DPP) rest like Kindiki,Linturi,Miano take instructions and are deputised by Kale.

Next should be to rope in ndindi,kindiki,njuguna and ichungwa in corrupt deals and if they attempt to oppose GOK,summon them at DCI while lynching their political careers in Parliament and public rallies.They will become Kamothos.

Offline Nowayhaha

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Re: GEMA finally out of Power.
« Reply #4 on: August 28, 2023, 10:53:18 AM »

95% of 10% of GEMA who will go out and vote . Ruto is appeasing Raila , killed the Husla spirit and you expect him to still do the numbers he did in 2022
Luhyas same story as always Raila will carry the day.
Kenya is in a catch 22 situation . It needs new blood and new energy .

GEMA can never be out of power when their Kingpin (Dr Ruto) is the president of Kenya. There is no single Kenyan more pro-gema than Ruto in the globe (Late Kibaki and Uhuru not even close), take it from me. I see you left out Kimani Ichungwah, Ndindi (Budget guy), Ndii Policy guy, Ndungu, money guy, Kamau Thugge, another Money guy, Mithika, Agriculture, Alice Wahome, water lady, Kuria, Trade guy, Njeru, lands guy,  Gachagua, the head of all those you listed, and countless senior in key appointments in key places. I see a scenerio where Ruto will get 95% GEMA, 80% Luhya, and 98% Kalenjins in 2027; that is simply unbeatable.

Offline kneegrow04

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Re: GEMA finally out of Power.
« Reply #5 on: August 28, 2023, 11:17:35 AM »
Agreed. We need new blood and new energy. The current lot is a hopeless lot. The young ones like Ichungwa are as bad as their mentors. How about Sakaja as pork deputised by Mutula Jnr and Kajwang the senetor as speaker? Just thinking aloud  8). The three are less tribal apart from where they were born, which wasn't their choice anyway.

95% of 10% of GEMA who will go out and vote . Ruto is appeasing Raila , killed the Husla spirit and you expect him to still do the numbers he did in 2022
Luhyas same story as always Raila will carry the day.
Kenya is in a catch 22 situation . It needs new blood and new energy .

GEMA can never be out of power when their Kingpin (Dr Ruto) is the president of Kenya. There is no single Kenyan more pro-gema than Ruto in the globe (Late Kibaki and Uhuru not even close), take it from me. I see you left out Kimani Ichungwah, Ndindi (Budget guy), Ndii Policy guy, Ndungu, money guy, Kamau Thugge, another Money guy, Mithika, Agriculture, Alice Wahome, water lady, Kuria, Trade guy, Njeru, lands guy,  Gachagua, the head of all those you listed, and countless senior in key appointments in key places. I see a scenerio where Ruto will get 95% GEMA, 80% Luhya, and 98% Kalenjins in 2027; that is simply unbeatable.

Offline Kadudu

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Re: GEMA finally out of Power.
« Reply #6 on: August 28, 2023, 11:23:04 AM »
One cannot kill something that was never there in the first place.

Voter apathy in Mt kenya region was big in 2022 and in 2027 it will be massive. It has nothing to do with Ruto appeasing Raila. Ruto has the gift of gab, but in reality he is just another conman with many sweet words trying to appease everyone.

Ruto has replaced Kikuyus with his clansmen in the juicy positions. The rest of Kenyans are left to divide the spoils. Kikuyus were spoilt in the last 20 years of Kibaki and Uhuru thinking they own Kenya. Their share in governrment was more than they deserved and now reality sets in. Next president will have to kick out Kalejins from the plum positions and replce them with his clansmen. Kibaki had the chance to stop this trend in 2002, but he failed miserably by going for his kabila. So now we wait for 2027 or 2032 then the Kale will be sent packing.

95% of 10% of GEMA who will go out and vote . Ruto is appeasing Raila , killed the Husla spirit and you expect him to still do the numbers he did in 2022
Luhyas same story as always Raila will carry the day.
Kenya is in a catch 22 situation . It needs new blood and new energy .

Offline Nowayhaha

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Re: GEMA finally out of Power.
« Reply #7 on: August 28, 2023, 12:29:43 PM »

Sakaja was mentored by Uhuru Mudavadi and Raila and now learning best tricks from Ruto . Just like young Ruto was mentored by Moi and his Mafia . He is one of them . This is a person I personally interacted with he is as mentally corrupt as the politicians who came before him.
Mutula Jr is also another one a kin of a corrupt KANU lawyers he was bred by Nyayo corrupt milk and Nyayo corruption lives in his blood .
When we say fresh blood we mean someone not in or has been in the political arena as we speak

Agreed. We need new blood and new energy. The current lot is a hopeless lot. The young ones like Ichungwa are as bad as their mentors. How about Sakaja as pork deputised by Mutula Jnr and Kajwang the senetor as speaker? Just thinking aloud  8). The three are less tribal apart from where they were born, which wasn't their choice anyway.

95% of 10% of GEMA who will go out and vote . Ruto is appeasing Raila , killed the Husla spirit and you expect him to still do the numbers he did in 2022
Luhyas same story as always Raila will carry the day.
Kenya is in a catch 22 situation . It needs new blood and new energy .

GEMA can never be out of power when their Kingpin (Dr Ruto) is the president of Kenya. There is no single Kenyan more pro-gema than Ruto in the globe (Late Kibaki and Uhuru not even close), take it from me. I see you left out Kimani Ichungwah, Ndindi (Budget guy), Ndii Policy guy, Ndungu, money guy, Kamau Thugge, another Money guy, Mithika, Agriculture, Alice Wahome, water lady, Kuria, Trade guy, Njeru, lands guy,  Gachagua, the head of all those you listed, and countless senior in key appointments in key places. I see a scenerio where Ruto will get 95% GEMA, 80% Luhya, and 98% Kalenjins in 2027; that is simply unbeatable.

Offline Nowayhaha

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Re: GEMA finally out of Power.
« Reply #8 on: August 28, 2023, 12:41:50 PM »

Hustler movement was real and the reason Raila lost is because he couldnt endeavor him self to the hustlers , same as you, reason he failed is cos he got bad advices feom the likes of you.
Ruto won 2022 elections because rather than playing tribal politics which you still believe in he played issue based politics he was talking the language of the hustlers . The was voter apathy jn GEMA but not to the lengths Raila and your likes were hoping for , if the apathy was steong and would have gone to 40 % turnout then Raila would have won .
Now 2027 the apathy will be so huge that it will be a shocker to Ruto and his supporters , You cannot dance with Raila in Gema then expect to ride all the way to   Victory . Ask Uhuru and his Jubilioso party .
Kikuyus suffered the most under Uhuru . Uhuru decided to appease Raila constituents , the oitcpme was so clear in 2022 elections substantial number of voters devided to stay away the ones who went to vote , voted against Uhuru and Raila.

People like blaming Kibaki but on the reality check he is the one who transformed Kenya. All and sundry say you cant compare All 5 Kenyan presidents with Kibaki , Kibaki was a professional , how many GEMA ministers did he fire in the so called accusations of corruption.
All tribes thrived under Kibaki and fyi i was an anti Kibaki crusader . I think Grand Coalition was a mistake . It was the continuation of bad manners cooperation and handshake something Raila now calls bipartisan talks and Ruto has decided to reward him.
One cannot kill something that was never there in the first place.

Voter apathy in Mt kenya region was big in 2022 and in 2027 it will be massive. It has nothing to do with Ruto appeasing Raila. Ruto has the gift of gab, but in reality he is just another conman with many sweet words trying to appease everyone.

Ruto has replaced Kikuyus with his clansmen in the juicy positions. The rest of Kenyans are left to divide the spoils. Kikuyus were spoilt in the last 20 years of Kibaki and Uhuru thinking they own Kenya. Their share in governrment was more than they deserved and now reality sets in. Next president will have to kick out Kalejins from the plum positions and replce them with his clansmen. Kibaki had the chance to stop this trend in 2002, but he failed miserably by going for his kabila. So now we wait for 2027 or 2032 then the Kale will be sent packing.

95% of 10% of GEMA who will go out and vote . Ruto is appeasing Raila , killed the Husla spirit and you expect him to still do the numbers he did in 2022
Luhyas same story as always Raila will carry the day.
Kenya is in a catch 22 situation . It needs new blood and new energy .

Offline Githunguri

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Re: GEMA finally out of Power.
« Reply #9 on: August 28, 2023, 01:48:31 PM »
Some people are in deep sleep..Look at how Ruto allocated money in 2023/2024 budget.

Energy (Chirchir-Ruto proxy) Infrastructure  (Murkomen-Ruto proxy) and ICT  (Owallo -Mudavadi proxy) These ministries got 400BN..

Health docket Wetangula Nakumicha- 141BN..They GEMA lady was shown the door months ago.She was PS or Secretrary there i don't know.Wetangula and Kingi parliament also got 40BN

Education Machogu Kisii and the Kale PS 628BN allocation.Lots of education projects and bursaries here.

National Security 338BN Here you have duale defense Haji NIS Amin DCI Omollo Internal security.Kindiki is a just a noisy girl.

Social Protection, Culture and Recreation 50BN-Ababu Ruto Man.

Environment Protection, Water and Natural Resources 100BN- Wahome Ababu and Kikuyu Land Cs.

So Ruto Mudavadi Wetangula got the LIONs share.I don't know what Gachagua defends in this goverment.He doesn't have control of major ministries,that is money,He doesnt have control of police,DCI,EACC,KRA.What did these people really negotiate?

Gachagua Ndindi Ichungwa are the biggest political tragedy to happen in GEMA.In reality,This is a goverment of Ruto Weta and Madvd.Luhya and Kale.

Offline RV Pundit

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Re: GEMA finally out of Power.
« Reply #10 on: August 28, 2023, 03:03:50 PM »
We will have friendly in 2032 btw a Kalenjin Sakaja-Mutula backed by opposition and Kikuyu-Kalenjin backed by Ruto.

Agreed. We need new blood and new energy. The current lot is a hopeless lot. The young ones like Ichungwa are as bad as their mentors. How about Sakaja as pork deputised by Mutula Jnr and Kajwang the senetor as speaker? Just thinking aloud  8). The three are less tribal apart from where they were born, which wasn't their choice anyway.

95% of 10% of GEMA who will go out and vote . Ruto is appeasing Raila , killed the Husla spirit and you expect him to still do the numbers he did in 2022
Luhyas same story as always Raila will carry the day.
Kenya is in a catch 22 situation . It needs new blood and new energy .

GEMA can never be out of power when their Kingpin (Dr Ruto) is the president of Kenya. There is no single Kenyan more pro-gema than Ruto in the globe (Late Kibaki and Uhuru not even close), take it from me. I see you left out Kimani Ichungwah, Ndindi (Budget guy), Ndii Policy guy, Ndungu, money guy, Kamau Thugge, another Money guy, Mithika, Agriculture, Alice Wahome, water lady, Kuria, Trade guy, Njeru, lands guy,  Gachagua, the head of all those you listed, and countless senior in key appointments in key places. I see a scenerio where Ruto will get 95% GEMA, 80% Luhya, and 98% Kalenjins in 2027; that is simply unbeatable.

Offline RV Pundit

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Re: GEMA finally out of Power.
« Reply #11 on: August 28, 2023, 03:04:58 PM »
Wewe ni fala. Ruto is looking for competence first. Tribal nonsense baadaye.
Some people are in deep sleep..Look at how Ruto allocated money in 2023/2024 budget.

Energy (Chirchir-Ruto proxy) Infrastructure  (Murkomen-Ruto proxy) and ICT  (Owallo -Mudavadi proxy) These ministries got 400BN..

Health docket Wetangula Nakumicha- 141BN..They GEMA lady was shown the door months ago.She was PS or Secretrary there i don't know.Wetangula and Kingi parliament also got 40BN

Education Machogu Kisii and the Kale PS 628BN allocation.Lots of education projects and bursaries here.

National Security 338BN Here you have duale defense Haji NIS Amin DCI Omollo Internal security.Kindiki is a just a noisy girl.

Social Protection, Culture and Recreation 50BN-Ababu Ruto Man.

Environment Protection, Water and Natural Resources 100BN- Wahome Ababu and Kikuyu Land Cs.

So Ruto Mudavadi Wetangula got the LIONs share.I don't know what Gachagua defends in this goverment.He doesn't have control of major ministries,that is money,He doesnt have control of police,DCI,EACC,KRA.What did these people really negotiate?

Gachagua Ndindi Ichungwa are the biggest political tragedy to happen in GEMA.In reality,This is a goverment of Ruto Weta and Madvd.Luhya and Kale.

Offline RV Pundit

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Re: GEMA finally out of Power.
« Reply #12 on: August 28, 2023, 03:09:28 PM »
Ruto is looking for most competent persons. KRA he went for smartest. CBK despite tribal considerations - he went for Thugge. Ndii is driving economic policy. Budget making is under Ndidi. Finance is under Molo Mp. Ichungwa who knows all Mps by name is Majority Leader.  Prof Kithure is performing.Name it - even Gachungwa ruto picked him because he is competent and fearless in tackling kenyattas.

The only incompetent people Ruto has hired are likes of Aisha Jumwas - very few - maybe in cabinet -  5 need to be fired - Nakuru CS of Land Mbugua is most useless, Health PS Nakuminja - Wetangula should find a replacemnt - yule meru ya agriculture - should be given lighter duties - huyu wa tourism very incompetent - and even Tapnyole of kericho labour - wont handle NSSF.

Defence somali duale (Over 100BN budget)
Head of civil service Aisha Jumwa and Koskei-They basically run goverment.Replaced Kinyua.
KRA Bukusu replaced Mburu (Over 2TN revenues and can slap you with a tax bill)
NIS Somali Haji replaced Kameru (40BN unaudited NIS budget)
KDF Luo Ogolla replace Kibochi
KAA-Gitari replaced by luhya i think (Airport billions Unless you use your ass to think,How can JKIA not have working backup systems)
NA Speaker Luhya replace Muturi (Frustrate anybody who opposes Ruto)
Senate Speaker Mijikenda
Chirchir-Energy Lots of billions of dollars
DCI somali Amin replaced Kinoti (Investigate rebel UDA Mps in Mt kenya-Thats why Ndindi and rebels lie low)
Roads Murkomen replaced Macharia (Roads rails airports tenders worth billions)
Eliud Owalo ICT replaced Macharia--Lots of money here ICT contracts
Dpp-Luhya Eacc Oginde (basically all investigate and prosecutorial powers EACC->DCI->DPP) rest like Kindiki,Linturi,Miano take instructions and are deputised by Kale.

Next should be to rope in ndindi,kindiki,njuguna and ichungwa in corrupt deals and if they attempt to oppose GOK,summon them at DCI while lynching their political careers in Parliament and public rallies.They will become Kamothos.

Offline RV Pundit

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Re: GEMA finally out of Power.
« Reply #13 on: August 28, 2023, 03:12:12 PM »
You're only angry because Ruto is going hard against Kenyattas and such cartels. Otherwise Ruto has put very smart people who are dolling painful but neccessary reforms. They will bear fruits sooon. And Ruto will win 2027 by minimum 70%.

In fact there is no need for 2027 because I can predict Raila will say Ruto tosha - GEMA will be looking for 2032 - and will be hoping for Ruto to return the favour in 2032 - hapo GEMA will still vote Ruto. Luhyas will vote Ruto.Luos will vote Ruto. Mijikenda will vote Ruto. Kamatusa+somalis will of course vote Ruto 90%.

Kalonzo will get 15% - Kambas and few bitter guys like you.

2032 - is where we will have epic battle - Sakaja versus a Kikuyu candidate.

95% of 10% of GEMA who will go out and vote . Ruto is appeasing Raila , killed the Husla spirit and you expect him to still do the numbers he did in 2022
Luhyas same story as always Raila will carry the day.
Kenya is in a catch 22 situation . It needs new blood and new energy .

GEMA can never be out of power when their Kingpin (Dr Ruto) is the president of Kenya. There is no single Kenyan more pro-gema than Ruto in the globe (Late Kibaki and Uhuru not even close), take it from me. I see you left out Kimani Ichungwah, Ndindi (Budget guy), Ndii Policy guy, Ndungu, money guy, Kamau Thugge, another Money guy, Mithika, Agriculture, Alice Wahome, water lady, Kuria, Trade guy, Njeru, lands guy,  Gachagua, the head of all those you listed, and countless senior in key appointments in key places. I see a scenerio where Ruto will get 95% GEMA, 80% Luhya, and 98% Kalenjins in 2027; that is simply unbeatable.

Offline Kadudu

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Re: GEMA finally out of Power.
« Reply #14 on: August 28, 2023, 04:05:00 PM »
He accidentally found competence just around his village.

Ruto is just continuing with the route set by Kibaki and Uhuru. We have a long way to go before we become a nation.

Btw Pundit, are you not the one who complained after the new KRA recruits were mainly Kalejin? TSC receuitment recently had the same numbers. It is not a Ruto thing, but Kenyan one.

Wewe ni fala. Ruto is looking for competence first. :D :D :D Tribal nonsense baadaye.

Offline RV Pundit

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Re: GEMA finally out of Power.
« Reply #15 on: August 28, 2023, 05:59:42 PM »
KRA yes.
TSC no.
TSC it schools who hire teachers.
No way it can be tribally aligned. School boards hire teachers.
Kalenjin just produces lots of teachers - so I hear from campus kids.
Kalenjin are doing Education courses.

KRA and others need CEO should fix recruitment - do it county per county. I am happy he is a Luhya and will deal with kikuyu and kalenjin tribaism unless he is SIMP.

If he delivers Ruto the money he wants - Ruto will allow him to do anything he wants - including tribal balancing.

He accidentally found competence just around his village.

Ruto is just continuing with the route set by Kibaki and Uhuru. We have a long way to go before we become a nation.

Btw Pundit, are you not the one who complained after the new KRA recruits were mainly Kalejin? TSC receuitment recently had the same numbers. It is not a Ruto thing, but Kenyan one.

Wewe ni fala. Ruto is looking for competence first. :D :D :D Tribal nonsense baadaye.

Offline Georgesoros

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Re: GEMA finally out of Power.
« Reply #16 on: August 28, 2023, 07:43:20 PM »
During Moi's time, lots of Kalenjins in gov.. So people went private sector. Same thing will happen.

Offline Nowayhaha

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Re: GEMA finally out of Power.
« Reply #17 on: August 28, 2023, 08:17:34 PM »
You're only angry because Ruto is going hard against Kenyattas and such cartels. Otherwise Ruto has put very smart people who are dolling painful but neccessary reforms. They will bear fruits sooon. And Ruto will win 2027 by minimum 70%.

In fact there is no need for 2027 because I can predict Raila will say Ruto tosha - GEMA will be looking for 2032 - and will be hoping for Ruto to return the favour in 2032 - hapo GEMA will still vote Ruto. Luhyas will vote Ruto.Luos will vote Ruto. Mijikenda will vote Ruto. Kamatusa+somalis will of course vote Ruto 90%.

Kalonzo will get 15% - Kambas and few bitter guys like you.

2032 - is where we will have epic battle - Sakaja versus a Kikuyu candidate.

95% of 10% of GEMA who will go out and vote . Ruto is appeasing Raila , killed the Husla spirit and you expect him to still do the numbers he did in 2022
Luhyas same story as always Raila will carry the day.
Kenya is in a catch 22 situation . It needs new blood and new energy .

GEMA can never be out of power when their Kingpin (Dr Ruto) is the president of Kenya. There is no single Kenyan more pro-gema than Ruto in the globe (Late Kibaki and Uhuru not even close), take it from me. I see you left out Kimani Ichungwah, Ndindi (Budget guy), Ndii Policy guy, Ndungu, money guy, Kamau Thugge, another Money guy, Mithika, Agriculture, Alice Wahome, water lady, Kuria, Trade guy, Njeru, lands guy,  Gachagua, the head of all those you listed, and countless senior in key appointments in key places. I see a scenerio where Ruto will get 95% GEMA, 80% Luhya, and 98% Kalenjins in 2027; that is simply unbeatable.

Offline RV Pundit

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Re: GEMA finally out of Power.
« Reply #18 on: August 28, 2023, 09:19:03 PM »
You must be biggest fala to imaginea political giant like Ruto losing..if useless politicians like kibaki n ihuru made it..Ruto is political animal..better than Moi. Get it fir free..Raila will retire...his brother already appointed successor.Raila doesn't care uhuru or cartels. He wants pension.Ruto will give him billions.ODM will merge with UDA minus Raila so he doesn't inflame gema.Ruto is winning by 80 percent. Kalonzo who can elect such nonsense
You're only angry because Ruto is going hard against Kenyattas and such cartels. Otherwise Ruto has put very smart people who are dolling painful but neccessary reforms. They will bear fruits sooon. And Ruto will win 2027 by minimum 70%.

In fact there is no need for 2027 because I can predict Raila will say Ruto tosha - GEMA will be looking for 2032 - and will be hoping for Ruto to return the favour in 2032 - hapo GEMA will still vote Ruto. Luhyas will vote Ruto.Luos will vote Ruto. Mijikenda will vote Ruto. Kamatusa+somalis will of course vote Ruto 90%.

Kalonzo will get 15% - Kambas and few bitter guys like you.

2032 - is where we will have epic battle - Sakaja versus a Kikuyu candidate.

95% of 10% of GEMA who will go out and vote . Ruto is appeasing Raila , killed the Husla spirit and you expect him to still do the numbers he did in 2022
Luhyas same story as always Raila will carry the day.
Kenya is in a catch 22 situation . It needs new blood and new energy .

GEMA can never be out of power when their Kingpin (Dr Ruto) is the president of Kenya. There is no single Kenyan more pro-gema than Ruto in the globe (Late Kibaki and Uhuru not even close), take it from me. I see you left out Kimani Ichungwah, Ndindi (Budget guy), Ndii Policy guy, Ndungu, money guy, Kamau Thugge, another Money guy, Mithika, Agriculture, Alice Wahome, water lady, Kuria, Trade guy, Njeru, lands guy,  Gachagua, the head of all those you listed, and countless senior in key appointments in key places. I see a scenerio where Ruto will get 95% GEMA, 80% Luhya, and 98% Kalenjins in 2027; that is simply unbeatable.

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Re: GEMA finally out of Power.
« Reply #19 on: August 28, 2023, 10:15:21 PM »

Well I supported Ruto in 2022 . The political giant in his fight against Raila managed to win against him by 200K where as Uhuru defeated Raila with millions and Kibaki defeated Moi in 2002 by Millions .
Ruto is so vulnerable you will see for youself in 2027. .

You must be biggest fala to imaginea political giant like Ruto losing..if useless politicians like kibaki n ihuru made it..Ruto is political animal..better than Moi. Get it fir free..Raila will retire...his brother already appointed successor.Raila doesn't care uhuru or cartels. He wants pension.Ruto will give him billions.ODM will merge with UDA minus Raila so he doesn't inflame gema.Ruto is winning by 80 percent. Kalonzo who can elect such nonsense
You're only angry because Ruto is going hard against Kenyattas and such cartels. Otherwise Ruto has put very smart people who are dolling painful but neccessary reforms. They will bear fruits sooon. And Ruto will win 2027 by minimum 70%.

In fact there is no need for 2027 because I can predict Raila will say Ruto tosha - GEMA will be looking for 2032 - and will be hoping for Ruto to return the favour in 2032 - hapo GEMA will still vote Ruto. Luhyas will vote Ruto.Luos will vote Ruto. Mijikenda will vote Ruto. Kamatusa+somalis will of course vote Ruto 90%.

Kalonzo will get 15% - Kambas and few bitter guys like you.

2032 - is where we will have epic battle - Sakaja versus a Kikuyu candidate.

95% of 10% of GEMA who will go out and vote . Ruto is appeasing Raila , killed the Husla spirit and you expect him to still do the numbers he did in 2022
Luhyas same story as always Raila will carry the day.
Kenya is in a catch 22 situation . It needs new blood and new energy .

GEMA can never be out of power when their Kingpin (Dr Ruto) is the president of Kenya. There is no single Kenyan more pro-gema than Ruto in the globe (Late Kibaki and Uhuru not even close), take it from me. I see you left out Kimani Ichungwah, Ndindi (Budget guy), Ndii Policy guy, Ndungu, money guy, Kamau Thugge, another Money guy, Mithika, Agriculture, Alice Wahome, water lady, Kuria, Trade guy, Njeru, lands guy,  Gachagua, the head of all those you listed, and countless senior in key appointments in key places. I see a scenerio where Ruto will get 95% GEMA, 80% Luhya, and 98% Kalenjins in 2027; that is simply unbeatable.