Much as this will pain any Azimio supporter but I have to say it: Ruto is the best thing that happened to Kenya. A lot of the prophesies I & other gifted modern day saints made are being fulfilled.
For me he's achieving one major score: Making Kenyans realize a vote isn't a food stamp given to an Akata to exchange for crack.
Already he has exposed Kikuyus & rendered them more useless than The Orma of Tana Delta. Their gerrymandered vote has become a curse. It's their cyber votes - which I kept preaching about that returned to puncture Uhuru Kenyatta's ego. And now he owns them. That means Ruto will APPOINT the Governor, Senator & Woman's Rep of Most Mount Kenya / Gema counties for as long as he controls those fake votes created by Kibaki who handed them to Uhuru. Yes it was a buffer to be used to frustrate Mjaluo. But now will be used to screw any MPs, MCAs or other "elected" person in Central who pretends to be smart.
You can open the servers a million times; the numbers will add up. That's the genius of it. It starts at Registration. That's when fools are busy screwing malaya & getting drunk.
I'm sincerely hoping it will go all the way to its logical conclusion.
In Chile, South Korea & Argentina, the middle class and above desirous of affluence became willing infidels in the corruption of the military & CIA. But as time went by they realized that dictatorship has a Use-By Date beyond which whatever gains are lost. That's the same realization that Taiwan reached. The only way remaining for Kenya to embrace democracy is to allow her to first taste the worst of dictatorship.
Who said a dictator dresses in military camouflage? He simply undermines institutions that democracy depends opon shifting them to bend to his will. Ruto started with The Judiciary. He's now gone for Parliament. He need not bother the Military as he will let them wallow in their corruption, alcoholism & mass lechery - which they are known for.