I think generally speaking coffee has no future in Mt kenya except for speciality - quality over quantity.
GoK should focus on new areas to grow coffee in large scale - if it want to raise coffee quantity.
Most of maize growing regions in rift valley should transition into large scale coffee production.
That is where next coffee growth can happen - Mt kenya is pretty much hopeless coffee speaking.
We have had 30yrs of the same problems, same arguments, same intervention - and it just keep getting worse - as farmers uproot coffee.
Coffee brokers e.g ibero or dormans buy coffee from the auction and they don't buy at a cheaper rate than global merchant companies e.g louis drefus or cargill. All the coffee companies have milling, marketing and trading arms just like ktda. The dynasties(kenyatta) are marginal players in the coffee industry and pius ngugi of thika mills is actually being auctioned off. The boogey man of coffee is so called cartels, meanwhile specialty coffee farmers are making good returns using direct sale window. Coffee solution is producing high grade coffee and direct sales.